The Herbal Option

If you're having trouble becoming pregnant, you may want to do what many other women have done before you and consider the idea of enlisting the help of herbs. Because herbs come from nature, many women feel they are a gentle and safe option as a fertility treatment. Here are some of the common herbs used for aiding conception:

* Chaste Tree Berry—this herb, also known as Vitex, helps to restore hormonal balance which helps set the scene for conception. Chaste Tree Berry also stimulates the pituitary gland, increases the production of luteinizing hormones and progesterone, and can help regulate the menses. The herb is also helpful in reducing stress levels which is thought to promote reproductive health and fertility

* Dong Quai—this herb can smooth out estrogen levels to improve the regularity of the menstrual cycle, thus paving the way for conception. In women with autoimmune issues, Dong Quai can make it possible for an egg to implant. But Dong Quai should be used with caution since it thins the blood. Its use should be discontinued during menstruation.

Blurred Vision

* False Unicorn Root—this herb serves to improve your reproductive health by improving ovarian function. But use as directed, since overindulging can cause blurry vision, kidney problems, vomiting, and stomach irritation. 

* Wild Yam—this herb serves to increase progesterone levels and needs to be taken only after ovulation has occurred. If you take wild yam prior to ovulation, you may end up preventing ovulation, and any subsequent chance of conception.

Many of the most popular herbs are sold without being overseen by any regulatory body. For that reason, it's crucial to consult with your fertility specialist or physician about how to use these herbs for fertility. Some of those drugs touted as promoting conception are downright dangerous, for instance ginseng.

Avoid Cohosh

Both the black and the blue varieties of cohosh are often prescribed as fertility-boosting herbs but carry severe health risks. Don't take these herbs if you wish to become pregnant or in any case where there is even the slightest possibility that an egg has undergone fertilization. Black cohosh and blue cohosh are both emmenagogues. This means that they have a stimulatory or tonic effect on the uterus which can cause contractions and prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. 

Some more herb tips:

*Don't take herbs that are not indicated for your particular fertility issue.

*Don't self-prescribe. Get advice from a qualified practitioner before taking herbs.

*Let your herbalist know about other medications you may be taking and let him know you are trying to conceive.

*Tell your physician about other herbal fertility supplements you are already using or may have used in the past.

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