Natural Remedies for Infertility

Most doctors feel that while the majority of infertility issues among couples can be attributed to a specific health condition, there are at least 20% which are considered to be of unknown medical origin. There are a variety of diet, exercise and environmental changes you can make which could significantly increase your chances of conception. Although some of these suggested changes do not yet have solid medical studies behind them, they do have many women-who went on to have a successful pregnancy-who are firm believers.

General Do's and Don'ts

Many physicians feel that women who are attempting to conceive should stop or at the very least, cut back, on their daily coffee intake. Having more than four cups per day can increase the risk of infertility. If you have ovulation troubles, stop drinking alcohol completely. As little as one drink per day can increase infertility by as much as 30%, and two drinks per day doubles that percentage. Alcohol increases prolactin, a hormone which inhibits FSH and GnRH, two hormones necessary for normal ovulation. Avoid melatonin supplements, which many people use as a natural method of getting to sleep. Melatonin may help you sleep, but it also increases prolactin levels.

Give up caffeinated sodas, as consumption of even one per day can decrease your fertility by as much as 50%. Have your iron levels checked-women who had ferritin levels less than 40 ng per ml., has a surge in conception rates once they began taking iron supplements. Make sure you take a good multivitamin, then add some extra B6, but if you currently take more than 1000 mg of vitamin C per day, decrease those levels to 500 mg. per day. Up your partner's vitamin C to 1,000 mg. twice per day which can have an amazing effect on sperm motility. Have the man in your life consume astragalus, and herb which has been shown to increase sperm motility by as much as 50%, as well as adding 50 mg. of zinc per day, and the amino acids L-carnitine and L-arginine aspartate.

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Many fertility-related problems are due to a Luteal Phase defect, and adding extra Vitamin B6 to a woman's diet can regulate and lengthen the luteal phase as well as easing depression which often comes along with PMS. If you're wondering why you should avoid larger doses of Vitamin C, although it is a super antioxidant, it is also known to dry up cervical fluid, which is not good for women trying to conceive. Evening primrose oil not only lowers cholesterol and alleviates PMS symptoms, it also helps in producing good quality cervical fluid, also known as "egg white cervical mucus." A lack of the good type of cervical flue can prevent egg fertilization. Remember, though, that evening primrose oil should only be taken from menstruation to ovulation, as it can bring on unwanted uterine contractions during pregnancy.

Herbal Remedies Known to Enhance Female Fertility

Black cohosh can be taken in the first half of the menstrual cycle (from menstruation to ovulation), and not only relieves cramping, but can also increase fertility. Dong Quai is known to be a female hormone regulator which may increase fertility, however you should check with your healthcare provider prior to taking this herb. Flax seed oil contains the fatty acids necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy environment for conception, and the herb false unicorn has been shown to help with female infertility when taken in the first half of the cycle. Red raspberry leaf can be taken for your entire cycle, as it simply strengthens the uterine lining, lengthening the luteal phase. Discontinue red raspberry leaf once you become pregnant. Chaste berry is also known to regulate hormones, and can be taken during the entire cycle. While it is not necessary to take all these herbal supplements, you can research which ones will benefit you the most in your quest for a healthy baby.

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