Soft-Tissue Massage For Infertility

Adhesions-The Bad Guys

Nearly half of all female infertility can be attributed to adhesions that cause poor reproductive function. Now, using a new type of treatment, adhesions are decreased and reproductive organ and gland function increased without the use of drugs or surgery. This treatment has been shown to be very successful in women diagnosed with premature ovarian failure, ‘old eggs', or high FSH levels. The results of the therapy appear to last for a long time in many women, rather than one cycle, which is most common when fertility treatments are used.

A New Approach To Treatment

The treatment we are referring to is pelvic physical therapy and initial studies completed in the mid-1990s indicated a very high full term natural pregnancy rate for women who had previously been diagnosed as infertile. In 2004, this treatment showed a 71 percent natural pregnancy rate for women diagnosed with female infertility. As a natural, non-invasive, drug-free treatment, this technique has proven to be effective, assisting women to conceive naturally, despite previous infertility diagnoses.

Medical and surgical infertility treatments, such as GIFT and IVF essentially bypass the malfunction between the ovaries and the uterus and can be successful for one menstrual cycle. Some ART techniques last longer, but overall, the treatments go month to month. Pelvic physical therapy, because it breaks down adhesions and promotes normal organ function, lasts a long time.

What Causes Adhesions?

Adhesions, which may result from infection or trauma, include blocked fallopian tubes, severe endometriosis, scarring from multiple surgical procedures and pelvic inflammatory disease. Ruptured ovarian cysts, bowel or bladder disease or tubal damage can also cause the formation of adhesions. Female infertility is often the result of adhesions in or around the female reproductive organs; the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or fimbriae (the finger-like ends of the fallopian tube that catch the egg when it is released from the ovary). Adhesions act like glue, crippling the movement of the fimbriae or they may cling to the uterus making it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant.

Helpful In ART As Well

Site-specific manual soft-tissue therapy improves the mobility, elasticity, and distensibility (capability of stretching) of soft-tissue. As with therapeutic massage, adhesions are broken down, relieving pain and enabling the organs to be released for function. The therapy is very useful when applied prior to ART. It helps to create a more hospitable surface for egg implantation by decreasing adhesions and micro- adhesions on and in the uterine walls. Pelvic physical therapy relieves uterine and cervical spasms and hypertonicity (excessive tension) which makes for a more relaxed environment for egg implantation. Cervical mobility is enhanced and this, too, has an impact, especially in the case of IVF or IUI.

Pelvic physical therapy is natural, non-surgical and drug free. It is designed to decrease adhesions and improve the function of female reproductive organs for women who suffer with conditions that cause pain, dysfunction, and infertility.


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