Hey ladies...I'm 18.5 weeks pregnant with healthy baby girl and am taking 1000mg of Metformin, but on this dosage since week 2 of pregnancy. Don't give up ladies....it WILL happen---the reason I'm staying on it past the 12 weeks is to help prevent gestational diabetes and to help make sure that the baby doesn't get too big. Baby dust to all and Happy New Year!
Hi everyone. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since we got married in July 2004. I was told I had PCOS in June 2005 and after several horrible tests I was put on Metformin. I have been taking 3 a day for a couple of months now. Before taking Metformin my cycles were about 35-40days long. The gynea Dr. thinks that because I am having periods I am ovulating, however my eggs may not be healthy. My last period came on day 30 so I am in hope that Metformin is doing something! It is encouraging that soo many of you are getting pregnant. Congratulations.
We live in hope for the rest of us. Take care all of you, Happy New Year and lots of Baby Dust! x
Hello, everyone. I have some questions. I have been diagnosed with POS 4 years ago. And just last year finally they run tests to see if for sure I have that syndrome. My specialist put me on metformin and I only took it for two weeks because of the side effects, I hate medicine, I was supposed to start the South beach diet along with it, but I never didi. I was also prescribed to take birth control pills to regulate my period, without the pills I never seei t. this year, I have new plans, and I think it;'s about time for me to have a baby. I would like with the help of my Lord to have a baby. I would like to know if , is it 100% that women on this syndrome can's have kids? do you think if I start again the metforming and the southbeach diet will that help me or should continue taking the pills along with that? I really gained so much weight, the last time I weighted myself was in september and I was 210 lb. Open to suggestions!!!!
Paula, PCOS varies greatly between women. If you are not having periods you won't be ovulating so falling pregnant naturally will be very difficult and may take years. Metformin, so I was told, helps your body produce healthy eggs and give you more regular monthly cycles. You need to ovulate to become pregnant.
I also was very nausious when I started the medication. Eating breakfast before taking the first tablet of the day helped. I don't want to sound like a boring nag but eating healthy and getting some excercise will also help develop a healthy body on the inside (I sound like my mum!!!). Good luck. x
| Emy - January 3 |
All I know is that I am not diabetic but have PCOS. I conceived on metformin after only 3 weeks of being on it. I am a big fan of met!
Hi all i didnt know i had pco untill last year when i wanted to have a baby...i got my period when i was 11 and right after thet start gainging weight and some haif on my chin ..now i know its cause i have pco...my Dr put me on met last month and i still didnt get my cycle right...im worried that i wont be able to get pregnant....but my Dr says most ppl with pco get pregnant but with a little help....i need ppl to tell me yes they had babies even with pco ..i need some hope...just liek joanne this is all very new to me...
I was diagnosed with pcos Nov 2004. We were trying to get pregnant since summer of 2003. My husband got checked and had a super low sperm count. We went to a fertility specialist who put me on Metformin in late Sept of 2005. I now am 7.5 weeks pg. I believe this has much to do with the Metformin and also, my husband's sperm count has greatly improved, it was 7mill last time he was tested in Oct 05. I was told to stay on Metformin for the first 12 weeks by my fertility dr. My regular dr. who I see tomorrow...the nurse told me to stay on it at least until my first appt which is later today. Hopefully they will also tell me to stay on it at least through the first 12 weeks because from what I have read, it can really reduce miscarriage and pregnancy complications for women with PCOS.
It sounds like Metformin has had some really positive results - no pun intended! (apart from the sickness, which goes after a few weeks). I just wondered if those of you who have got pregnant on Metformin had monthly cycles before being put on it. I was having cycles and ovulation kit results showed I was ovulting. I don't have the main effects of PCOS, I am not overweight and I am not excessively hairy. I'm just trying to work out the odds of me falling pregnant on Metformin. Good lucko to you all.
| AMY - January 12 |
| DrE - January 16 |
After trying to conceive for years, I diagnosed myself with PCO. My physician then put me on Metformin, which with the help of a high accuracy ovulation detects (the ~$200 kind), I became pregnant within 2 months. The metformin helped with ovulation, but without the ovulation detector, I would not have known that I randomly ovulated on the 29TH DAY of my cycle. I am now 5 weeks pregnant and hoping for a healthy pregnancy. Hang in there and best wishes!
| DrE - January 16 |
After trying to conceive for years, I diagnosed myself with polycystic ovarian syndrome. My physician then put me on Metformin, which with the help of a high accuracy ovulation detector (the ~$200 kind), I became pregnant within 2 months. The metformin helps with ovulation in PCOS, but without the ovulation detector, I would not have known that I randomly ovulated on the 29TH DAY of my cycle. I am now 5 weeks pregnant and hoping for a healthy pregnancy. Hang in there and best wishes!
I have recently started taking metformin, one of my family members has taken metformin for three years.....they have a 2 year old and a 8 month old. Years of clomid did nothing by itself they probably spent over 20,000 in infertility treatments and metformin and clomiphene together for her worked wonders!! She will be trying for one more in a couple of months and this one will be her last. I pray for my turn for success and I will for you as well....hope and faith will take you far!
Hi, you gals i'm so glad i finally found someone who i can relate to, well my story is pretty resent, i was also diagnosed with pcos in oct 05 and i didn't think much of it becouse i didn't want any children @ the moment neither DH(dear husband), any ways after being diagnosed i explained everything to DH, and he said we should start triying, i told the dr. and i got laparoscopy? is that the one they put a dye in your uterus and then take xrays?? because thats the one i got, to check if my tubes where clear from cyst, because i have 19 on my right and 23 on my left but all very small. so the dr. sai i'm good to go on metformin and clomid, so they prescribed, progesterone to induce my period and 4 days latter i got my period, it was 12/27/05 and started metformin and on days 3-7 take clomid, but METFRMN gave me a real bad acid reflux day and it was horrible trying to burt. anyways i only took it for 3 day and stopped my 500mg a day dose, and keep going with clomid alone so i did everything, and taking my BBT, i thought i had ovulated, but i whent to get my test to dr.s offc. and my level was low it's supposed to be 4.0 and i had 0.8 :-[[ my progesterone was low meaning i didn't ovulate. so i started last night on METFRMN, i took it at 10:30pm right B4 i whent to bed and it was WONDERFULL. and i think i'm oing to start clomid w/200mg i was taking 100mg a day. oh well thank you very much ladies, and finally i don't fell lonely, because when yu say pcos to someone theyr like whats that?? so know i feel good. any one of you gals feel free to email me remember we are on the same boat. and please give me hope ladies, for a baby i pray for me and for all of you gals that are on the same bot baby dust to all
by the way anyone that has gotten pregnant, any time soone on MET & CLOMID???? please let me know so i won't give my hopes up?? thanks gals
my email is [email protected]
I started having irregular periods since I was 14. Since then I would only have 1-2 periods a year. Sometimes I would not have one at all in consecutive years. Well, now I'm twenty seven and and I started trying to get pregnant since the end of last year. This will be my 3rd dose of clomid now up to 150mg. I have a had time losing weight so a month ago I started on the atkins diet and drinking protein shakes hoping that this will help me get pregnant. My OB said that if this round doesn't work he will send me to an endocrynologist. I can not wait!!! I am acually wondering if I will get pregnant with twins . The more the merrier. Plus that way I can get all the children done at once : )I was also wondering if there were any women on here that has a difficult time with facial hair and what did you do about it. Mine is rediculous. I looking forward to laser hair removal as well. Good luck to evey women on here and all of you that are on here, I am rubbing you tummy for good luck. : )
I have also been put on Metafomin and Prometrium this month to help me conceive and I have yet to have a period so I don't know what the problem is. Good luck with trying to conceive and I hope both of us are able to do it.