Just Plum TTC April10!!!!
147 Replies
wantanotheraftertr - May 31

well officially cd1 again! undecided as to how I will proceed this month if at all! guess I better decide soon cd3 would be the first day for clomid! who knows!


jodi-ttc-08 - May 31

pam dont give up yet...... funny thing i saw the other day. i came across the dr phil show.. he had a young couple, the girl had bought 100 pg tests, and dr phil said, thats obsession and unhealthy and she needs to get help..... ppffftt.. i buy them 50 at a time on ebay for about $5... i thought dr phil needs to be introduced to sites like this...hehehehe... she had been ttc'ing for about 2 yrs... and was getting so much grief off everyone around her... but in circumstances like these.. only persistence will get you the result you need... not obsessing about it will help though... pam what ever you decide we're all here to help you through.... rom has decided to better herself and i think thats fantastic....... i have my days were i think,,, why did i do that....my youngest was 12 and started high school and now i have started again.... it will be another 15 years before hubby and i can relax a little and do our own things with ease.. and then i look at camerons beautiful face and think how perfect and would i want to miss out on anything..no... but after this one i am seriously done with having babies.. 5 c-sections and most likely 5 boys.. we need to buy a bigger house and the longer i am at home with babies the longer it will be for me to go back to work and be able to get that bigger house.... with 2 little ones i dont think i will be going up to my caravan in the mountains as often as i should.. and with a $1600 a year fee to keep my van there... i have to re-think alot of things now... we also need to get a bigger car the minute the new baby arrives.... i really didnt think all this through... i just wanted a baby so much and didnt see the bigger picture... but all my worries will disappear the second i see his little face... 10 weeks down about 28 to go....


TTCtpe - June 2

ok so still no sign of af, and i still haven't tested, ssssssooooooo scared right now, my hubby keeps tellin me to test and i tell him ok but then as soon as he gets to cvs i tell him no lol, i know this is tmi but my nipples are sensitive could i still come on my period? i just dont know


jodi-ttc-08 - June 2

how are you doing angel ???? ready to pop....
aune did you test ????
jcavanagh how's the 2ww going and the new puppy ?
ttctpe whats happening... did you test ?????
waiting, tap tap tap... c'mon girls update... suspense !!!


jodi-ttc-08 - June 2

why does it come up twice if you post at the end of a page ??????? dumb !!!


jcavanagh - June 3

jodi-ttc-08....thanks for asking. I am currently 8 DPO so I am more than halfway through my 2ww. I have been really tired, nauseous, and my tata's have been really tender and sore. I think I am pregnant but it is still too early to test. It could be that AF is getting ready to visit and I am just nauseous because I am anxious hoping for a BFP this month. How are you doing? It is nice to be able to talk to somebody other than the hubby about this. We haven't told our family because we don't want to be constantly asked every time we see them if we are pregnant yet. I think I would feel more pressure (not that they would intend that).


TTCtpe - June 3

im going to test today i can wait any longer im so scared though, but u will have an update sometime today ladies, wish me luck ......


jcavanagh - June 3

Jodi, Good luck!!!!! I really want to test today but I don't want to be disappointed by a false negative if I really am pregnant and it's just too early to test, so I am gonna try to wait it out. I will probably give in tomorrow or the next. Can't wait to see if you get that BFP!!!!


chorona - June 3

Hi ladies,
Quick question....have any of you used ovulation kits? I'm assuming yes!:-)
When is the best time to test. I have PCOS so it's hard to pin point when I will ovulate. DH and I are taking a break from the clinic this month and want to do our own monitoring.
Should I start testing on cd10 and hope for the best? How often should I test? I bought a 5 pack and I'm planning on buying more just in case.

Thanks for your help!!


stilltryingfor6 - June 4

Hello ladies!! LONG TIME NO TALK TO!! LOL

I think of you ladies often, but life has gotten hectic, BUT.... I had to come and post my good news! We finally did IVF. The first cycle failed! That was 10K down the drain!! Well we decided to fork over another 10K and we finally got our BFP!!! I am 4 weeks and 2 days pregant today! My first beta on 8dp5dt was 147 and my second on 10dp5dt was 367!! I am over the moon!! We transferred three blasts in so now we wait to see how many we have in here!! I'm hoping two!! I don't find out for three more weeks, but when I do I'll come back and let you girls know!!


Shal - June 4

OMG Shawn that's Fantastic news!!!!!!!! i'm so so happy for you. Wow, i didn't expect to sign in and see that. CONGRATULATIONS hunni xxxx


stilltryingfor6 - June 4

Thank you so much Shal!!!! My Dr.'s say to be cautiously optimistic, but I've told the world. I'm so happy I can't keep it a secret!! LOL I've had 5 children without a hitch so I see no reason not to have faith that this one will be great also! :)


Shal - June 4

you must be thrilled, i'm thrilled for you.....i was rubbish at keeping the big secret too, everyone i told i was saying "dont tell anyone tho" and by time i was 5 weeks i think everyone knew but thought they were the only one who did lol, i'm sure everything will be fine. you so deserve this good news, you've waited long enough. i'm soooo excited for you xx


stilltryingfor6 - June 4

That's how I am too!! LOL My immediate family knows, but not anyone at work!! LOL I'm stuck with them too many hours during the day for them to start asking questions already! I figure I'll announce it to everyone when we find out how many we're having because that's going to be the biggest question!!:) I love the new site! It's been a minute since I've logged on!!


wantanotheraftertr - June 5

Shaun OMG! I'm so happy for you! God is amazing! I will be checking back often to see how things are going for you and to see how many! You have been so patient I couldnt be happier for you! As for me ladies I'm done! 2 more months I was going to try and now Ive decided no Im very happy with what I have and there are many reasons to be content so I will just look in on you all every now and then! Again Shaun congrats!


TTCtpe - June 5

i tested and got a bfn, but still no af.... what now?



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