Just Plum TTC April10!!!!
147 Replies
TTCtpe - June 5

i tested and got a bfn, but still no af.... what now?


jcavanagh - June 5

UPDATE........ So I broke down and tested today at 11 DPO and got the faintest line I have ever seen, I had to ask the hubby if I was seeing things. On the box it says a faint line is still a negative so I will test again tomorrow morning and see if it is a BFP. I am really hoping it is :) I will keep ya posted.


jcavanagh - June 6

Well.....there won't be a BFP for me this cycle AF paid her visit this evening. Good news is this is her first visit without a progesterone shot or being on the pill, so at least I Ovulated. I think I am going to try some preseed and see if that helps. Has anyone had success with it? I am open to any suggestions.


jodi-ttc-08 - June 6

shaun thats awesome.... 2 cycles and you got it... fantastic !!!! Pam if your content thats all you need. jcav each cycle brings you closer to the one that will be successful ..tpe what cd are you on ?
i am 10 weeks... yesterday we moved 1000 pavers, i am so so sore today...
wheres angel ??? update....


jodi-ttc-08 - June 6

tpe. if your well along in your cycle, with a bfn and no af, you may need to take something to bring on af...


TTCtpe - June 6

could it be late because of the hsg? i had that did may 5th..... im goin to call my docter monday, because now i dnt know when im suppose to ovulate


jodi-ttc-08 - June 9

having a hsg is very helpful, but shouldn't change your cycle... are your cycles regular every month ??????... wheres angel ????


TTCtpe - June 11

yes they have been regular every month now this month it wants to act up, and it still isnt here yet but my breast/nipples are tender and sensitive


angelmonkey - June 14

im here girls, congratulations shaun thats amazing you must be so happy!!

well im due in 2 days! (wednesday) i'd already had my daughter about 4 days ago so i already feel overdue. its getting difficult running around after a 16month old and being heavily pregnant, i've been have contractions on and off for about 2 weeks now, here in england they dont check you until your overdue or something so i have no idea if anything is prgressing, baby is currently back to back :s i have a midwife appointmetn on thursday and hopefully she will sweep my membranes to try and get things going.....do any of you have facebook? my link is

i think it should work if not search my e-mail h_wise at hotmail dot co dot uk
and let me know who you are lol i will mostly update on my facebook

ahh it wont let me post i had a feeling so copied it first, i cant be bothered to go back and change what i've said so im just guna delete the first link and see if it works


jodi-ttc-08 - June 15

well i am having my 12 week scan tomorrow arvo.. i went to the doctors today as i think i out did myself... i am in the process of cleaning out the backyard shed... which meant carrying things from one shed to the garage etc etc... as need to move the shed in order to make way for another bungalow in the backyard.... anywhoooo, afterwards i was pooped.... so when i went to the loo, there was blood on the paper.. just as there would be when expecting to get your period the next day... so i rushed down the dr's and got a scan for tomorrow to make sure everythings ok... i had blood about 3 times today.. but not every time..... could someone tell me what happens .....i have never had a pg go bad... i dont know what to think... very worried...


jodi-ttc-08 - June 16

went in for my 12 week scan........ still spotting... baby still only measured 6 weeks 5 days... exactly what i got at my last scan... and there is no heartbeat... someone please help... do i need to buy pads. what can i expect ??? never had this before.. that means the baby has been dead for over 4 weeks. is that normal ????? help.... i am so guttered... mum was here minding cameron whilst i ahd my scan.. i think she is more disappointed and upset than i am..


Shal - June 16

Aww Jodi, i'm so sorry hun. that's gutting news. I had a M/C at 14 weeks before and they too said the baby had not grown since about 7 weeks, i had alot of bleeding and big blood clots, and had to go into hospital, i also had to have a D&C afterwards. I don't want to scare you, but it really wasn't nice. I'm so so sorry for you, i've re-added you, inbox me if you need a chat, you'll be in my thoughts xxx


jodi-ttc-08 - June 18

ok... so after the scan, i came home and rang the dr's office and explained to the receptionist what had happened and yet she said. i'm sorry no apts for today come in tomorrow.... so after i googled a few things and rang nurse on call, the the maternity suit at the hospital and explained it to them, they said, i should have gone straight to my dr... and if i want, go straight to the ER... i still was only spotting. really light only when i wiped... as the night progressed, i had dinner.. then i started to get very bad cramps. like labor pains, very servere... ouch.. so i had a shower and started to really bleed... i got my p'js on and got hubby to take me to hospital.. he had to drop me off as he then had to go pick kids up from dancing etc... i waited in the er waiting room for 3 hours.. till i was bleeding everywhere and couldnt handle the pain anymore and went back to the triage window and said..help !!!!! then i went straight in.. i felt guilty for the other ppl who had been there longer than i... but hey,. they werent bleeding all over the place... feel sorry for who ever had to clean it up... they gave me morphine, used the clamp thingy to open me up and tried to scrap it out.. but my cervix was shut tight.... so in one way my body was contracting and trying to expel the pregnancy and in the other way my body was still protecting it... i finally got sent to a ward at 4am.. drip in and told i will have stuff done in the morning... they put pills inside me to help soften the cervix... but they did nothing.. not a twinge, not a cramp... so i had the D & C done at 9.30 last night after everything else seemed to do no good.. by then my bleeding had stopped too... i went into theatre at 9.30 and was back in my ward by 10.30.... as soon as i got up thismorning i went home... i have no bleeding or any pain what so ever... i just know i am no longer pregnant.. it's hard to get my head around... last night when i went to lala land i was pg and when i awoke i wasn't. the nurse did say to me on the quiet... a curette is a good fertility booster... but i dont know... it all takes place in your tubes before it gets to there... but i want to try again straight away... according to my dr.. this is classed as if i were having my period now and i should O in 2 weeks time.. though he recommends i wait a cycle or 2 before trying... i dont want to wait... it took 4 cycles on clomid to get this one... so i know it will probably take longer again for the next one... but now i will be worried, i will be wanting scans done all the time to make sure its ok... i hate going thru each cycle... month after month... i want to have a + test now... grrrr. hubby wants me to get my tubes done again and be content with cameron.... not happy with that coment... double grrrr. mum wants me to get trying again right now too.. she was looking forward to the baby i think more than me... she has cameron still.. so i can rest up today and i can have him back tomorrow.. she drove to my house yesterday and today at 8am to take the kids to school so hubby could go to work... she is a life saver.. thank god she only lives 15 minutes away.. i'd be so lost without her.. so i am back and i am going to try again.... i will count today as CD 1....


stilltryingfor6 - June 18

Hello ladies! Thank you all for the kind words. We go tomorrow to hear heartbeat! Pam they're saying it's just one! I'd love two, but I know we only need one so I hope it's one! :)

Jodi I am so sorry! I will keep you in my prayers!


Shal - June 18

Good Luck Shawn, let us know how it goes. Will catch you on FB again soon Jodi, keep your chin up xxx


jodi-ttc-08 - June 18

ok, question... i had the d & c done 9.30 at night.. so i woke up the next morning feeling fine. no cramps no blood loss... i get up this morning, no cramps, just a tinge of blood on the paper... but, my boobs feel really heavy and larger.. as if to say, tomorrow morning they will have milk, just the same as after having a live full term birth.... is this normal ??? will i expect to have fuller boobs again tomorrow ???? even though i was only 12 weeks.



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