Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
hopefullysoon - February 15

J-Rafih - lol yes you would think your doctors should know that kind of stuff. I would say don't take clomid until day 5 of your AF. Don't start on day 5 of spotting as spotting isn't your actual AF yet. Once you start taking clomid you will probably have less spotting before your AF. Good luck! When do you start your first month of clomid?

abg1989 - I'm surprisingly not as anxious this month to test as I was the first month. Maybe just because I know there is a possibility of disappointment. I guess better to prepare for the worst and if I'm pregnant I'll be that much more excited! 11 days probably doesn't sound like much to most ppl but for us ttc it seems like forever!


O-BABY - February 16


Well I am super excited for you to start! I am doing pretty good today, just waiting. I am actually on cd4. AF started on the 12th and stopped last night on the 14th. So....I called my OBGYN and she said to just start Clomid as usual on the fifth day and then continue for the 5 days. So I will be going in for my blood test on the 7th of March. I am just worried since my AF was so so short..... I am really excited to see how my OV test turns out though. I think I am going to go get some of the soft cups also :) My calendar looks CRAZY!!! hahaha!! My husband is like....geez that is a lot to keep up with huh??!! lol I am trying not to get too excited, but it is really hard not to.


That is a great idea about the OPK test and then using the clear blue. :) I will try that as well. It is really annoying and even more stressful when you are not sure if it is a positive or not. I am hoping this is your month also!

Baby dust to ALL =]


abg1989 - February 16

hopefullysoon...yes! 11 days is like a century haha. I'm sending babydust ur way and hoping u get ur bfp! Keep us updated.

Obaby...try the softcups! I want to hear some success stories haha. That's a crazy short period, I hope it doesnt mess things up. About the calendar...HAHAHAHA men just don't understand! Babydust to u! Keep us updated.


O-BABY - February 16


I will get some soft cups tomorrow! lol I will definitely let you know if they work. And husband cracks me up :) I am very OCD anyways and the calendar just proves it that much

So, how is everything with you? Do you have facebook?


jac1019 - February 16

O-Baby and Abg1989, what are soft cups?

By this time next week, I will know if I am pregnant or not :) However, Since Sunday, I have been under stress due to my dad and his brain hemorrage that leaves him fighting for his life... who knows how it impacted me. I can't worry about it though, as my dad is my number one concern. In addition, no symptoms what so ever, and AF is due Sunday.


hopefullysoon - February 16

jac1019 - I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Despite everything you're going through I hope you still get a positive pregnancy test. It might be good to have some goods news mixed in with all the stuff you're currently going through.

O-BABY - definitely let me know about those soft cups as well. It doesn't hurt to try an extra trick, so if it works for you I might pick some up also!

10 days and counting before I can take my test. Good luck everyone!


O-BABY - February 16


So very sorry to hear about your Dad, and sorry that you are having s much stress :( I hope that you are pregnant this month! And I really hope that everything is ok with your Dad.

About the soft cup....well abj1989 actually told us about them. They are little cups that hold the sperm, then you insert them in and they are supposed to get the sperm closer to the uterus so it makes less travel for the little men. And also hold the sperm in longer than just laying on your back after BD. I hope that helps. If you have more questions about them just ask, abj1989. :)

Baby dust to you!


J-Rafih - February 16

Oh my god what a day, just found out today that two of my friends are expecting, and honestly I just feel like sitting down and bawling my eyes out. I feel like such a bitch, but I just cannot bring myself to be happy for ANOTHER person I know getting pregnant. I want to be happy for them and I want to be able to celebrate family and friends success but i just feel sick to my stomach with grief... maybe it's because I had the day from hell at work today too but i'm just feeling so discouraged right now... and it's weird because I feel like if it's one of us on here i'd be sooo happy but it's these ppl who just get pregnant by accident or don't really want kids and get pregnant that drive me nuts.
i'm rambling... thanks for listening :(


jac1019 - February 16

I had a two days like yours in Dec. I found out that five people I know are pregnant. It's hard not find a sort of insult in it, not directly from those women, but from life in general.

I feel your pain. It helps when you vent, so continue with it :)


J-Rafih - February 16


Thanks for understanding, my husband doesn't get it, he thinks that if i'm negative about others it will be bad karma for me and I just feel like no one understands except the ppl on this forum, ppl can not possibly understand that it's not that we are not happy for them we are just sad for us. I feel like i've been doing a good job of being positive but somedays it just gets to be too much.


jac1019 - February 16


My husband tends to not understand many feelings I have regarding this situation. Despite the fact that we see a fertility doctor, I am not sure he thinks we have a fertility issue.

As for hearing the news some days, it's really difficult to force a smile and say, "Oh! Congratulations!" when you really just want to cry because of yet ANOTHER reminder that you are still not pregnant. Keep your head up.


O-BABY - February 16

J-Rafih and jac1019-

I think we all on this forum completely understand the sadness that comes when someone else announces that they are expecting. It kills me! A bunch of my friends were pregnant this past year, it was like every time I turned around another one was saying she was pregnant. I was happy for them, but it was so hard to celebrate it. One incident that really really got to me was when I had talked to a friend of mine about my husband and I trying to have a baby. Her husband is quite a bit older than she, and he didn't want kids. She gave him an ultimatum.....and then she came to me saying that they were trying too. I was kind of happy for her, hard being happy for someone you know is doing it for the wrong reasons. It is absolutely not a competition and it is not something just to do on a whim! So.....three months later she calls me and is like are you sitting down? I said yes, she said well I am pregnant and we have only been trying for 3 months, cool huh?? Ok first of all I was in shock! Second, I was like...why would you say cool? I am sorry I wouldn't be huh?!!! She is a good friend, a tad young and always changing her mind. And she thought the thought of having a baby was "cool" and shortly after the baby was born, she called ALL the time to get advice on how to do stuff and what to do...which is normal, but then she goes on to say I didn't think it was going to be like this....I thought it would be easier!! LOL WHAT?! But I will never forget that day she told me. I told her I had to go, and I just sat there bawling my eyes out! My heart hurt! I just couldn't believe that someone not really wanting a baby, or the responsibility could get pregnant and in THREE months!!! Just blew my mind!

Now I am But I totally understand :) Hopefully ALL of become pregnant SOON! :)


O-BABY - February 16

I meant ALL of us become pregnant soon! lol


janelle christine - February 16

So I used to post on here all the time, but I never had any response so I quit posting. A little background....I'm 30 and my husband is 26. We were married a year in october. 2 of my best friends found out they were pregnant in april of 09(neither wanted kids). I found out I was pregnant a month later, but suffered a miscarriage in june. In march of 2010, my doctor started me on clomid 50mg. I followed his instructions to the T and after 6 months with no luck, the doctor said the next step was a fertility clinic. He didn't look into me or my husband at all. I felt he wasn't trying to help, so I ended up finding a new doctor. They found that I do not ovulate, my period are very irregular also. The new doctor started me on clomid again in december, 100mg.. my husband has also been checked and everything is fine with him. I have been charting my temp, but the doctor told me not to waste money on ovulation tests cuz the clomid can screw up the results. I definitely understand about finding it hard to be happy for people who tell you they're pregnant. 2 coworkers told me the same week that they are expecting! I pray every day for a baby and I know god will listen someday


hopefullysoon - February 17

I think we all feel the same way, and I'm glad there is other people out there that can understand how I am feeling and that I don't want to hear about another person being pregnant. I just found out last week that one of my best friends is pregnant with her second child. I'm happy got her because she is a great mom but at the same time I was devastated! Then today I found out another close friend is pregnant. I'm happy that they don't have to go through what me and my husband are going through but at the same time I can't help but be bitter, angry, frustrated, and most of all jealous. I feel like everyone aroundd right mow is pregnant and sometimes can't help but think how unfair it is.

My fingers and toes are crossed that we will all be pregnant soon!


O-BABY - February 17

janelle christine-

Hi:) I am sorry to hear that you had a miscarrage, that would be devastating for sure. But I am glad that you found a different doctor and he is actually helping you! I too wasn't ovulating and my periods were WAY irregular. I just started my 2nd cycle of Clomid 50mg. They first started me out on provera to get my period started and so far this month has been pretty good. I guess I will find out if I will ovulate soon enough :) Were you started on provera or anything like that to start your period? And I know your doctor said that ovulation test were a waste of money, but I have found them to be a stress They put my mind at ease just to know that I am ovulating on my own. :) Well like I wish all these ladies on here and myself....I hope we are all pregs soon!



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