Clomid success story - it does work!
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Im new to this site so thought id introduce myself :)
Im 28 with non id 8 yr old twin boys. Boys were conceived naturally/spontaneously.
I had a molar pregnancy 6 years ago and have been trying to conceive for 16months this time around.
Our consultant has just prescribed 4 cycles of clomid and im booked for a dye scan to check my tubes if clomid is unsuccessful.
Just waiting for my AF so I can start :)
Im quite worried about the link clomid seems to have with migraines as ive suffered on and off with migraines for years. How have you all found the side effects?
Hi everyone,
Alittle about myself: I am turning 23 in December and I have a 5 1/2 year old son. I also have been trying to conceive since may 2011 with my fiancée and no success :/. Very upsetting to see all these people around me and my close friend having a baby and its so hard for it to happen to me. My son constantly asks to be a big brother :( anyways my cycles are pretty normal 26-27 days. I am ovulating due to OPK's LAST MONTH was CD 14, and this month was CD 15, actually this was my first month starting on clomid 50mg CD 3-7. I started it on 9/9/2013 and finished 9/13/ only symptoms were hot flashes but those ended the day after I finished clomid. I am in my TWW and im sooooooo impatient lol I cant wait until Friday 10/4/13 to test if AF doesn't come on Thursday. also, im experiencing lower back ache and abdominal cramping. hope this means something good in the near future. I will update and let you all know if I Get a BFP & can finally tell my son HE WILL BE A BIG BROTHER :) FINGERS CROSSED !!!!!!
I am 35 years old and I was diagnosed with poor ovarian reserve and very bad prognosis of having a baby with my own eggs. I was even given the option to consider donor eggs. That was around july 2014. I was absolutely devastated with the news and I arranged an IVF for November 2014 and it failed also, given that I had nothing to lose, I contacted on facebook (Oduduwa Ajakaye) and he send me his herbal product,. Believe it or not... I am already pregnant!
Hello Everyone, I have been reading all the post from the start and I know they are older but I thought it was worth a try to get it started back up and find some more people going through the same thing as me,
Im 27 my DH is 37 we are trying to have baby #1 I have PCOS , I'm on my 1st round of Clomid 100MG and 2000MG Metformin. This is my second time using clomid. In 2010 I done two rounds of 50 MG clomid and no success then my doc added the 2000MG metformin and I got pregnant first try with twins but ended in MC at 7 & 8 Weeks, I think it was a MC because I stopped taking the metformin (DR. orders) but now I have been doing some research and a lot of people are saying DO NOT stop the metformin for the first 3 months. AF came 01/01/17 and I started my clomid on days 5-9 so I just finished my clomid 01/09/17 , on CD13 I had some strange sharp pains in my breast but they would come and go. Now CD17 my breast are sore and im feeling a little sick to my stomach. Im not sure if its the meds or my mind playing tricks on my, praying this is my month... Baby dust to all and hope to hear some more stories soon.
I just started Clomid and took my first shot of Pregnyl yesterday. Something I've been wondering about and have not been able to get the answer from my doctor is, is this an appropriate method for someone with history of endometriosis and multiple spontaneous miscarriages? Has anyone had multiple miscarriages and was successful using Clomid, Pregnyl and IUI?
Thanks in advance.
my husband and I did ttc spell once, I’m pregnant! It’s so easy and I would highly recommend others try this. We are thrilled! on facebook: oduduwa ajakaye