Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
nevsgirl - December 2

Hey ladies :)

So I have been having this constant burning/cramping feeling (it's a really weird feeling to try and describe) in my lower abdomen since 7dpo, I'm now 11dpo and it is still there, morning and night doesn't matter it's always there and if I lay on my side to sleep or bend its more noticeable?? Really starting to stress me out a bit coz I have no idea what it is! Also I didn't take my clomid this month but I was thinking maybe it could still be giving me side effects, if this even is a side effect of it? Hmm any thoughts would be much appreciated :)


hoping-for#5 - December 3

Hi ladies.. help!!!!

I been testing for ov since 11/30 and i been getting two lines one really dark and the other one really light this morning i test again and the light line was still there y took another test now (another brand ) and only got one line :( i finish my last pill of clomid 11/28 the clomid calculator said i should ov between 12/03-12/08 so the why i got two lines on the test? And now only one?? Im way too stress is possible i ov way too early like after my last pill :-/

Going nuts!!! Please tell me what u think??


Dasharam - December 3

Hoping- because clomid raises your lh and fsh they want to to start testing 3 days after your last pill.


hoping-for#5 - December 3

So you think thats what happen? I tested too early i finish my last pill on 11/28 first ov was on 11/29 im gonna keep testing until i get a positive or my af -_-


mtaylor829 - December 4

Well just finished round 4 and here comes af. I'm just so frustrated. My dh is supposed to have his sperm checked now but I just don't know anymore. I'm losing faith. A girl I know went thru the same thing and now she's in the adoption process. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with adoption but it just makes me lose hope because it never did happen for her. I'm not trying to bring anyone down I'm just venting. I just don't know when I should give up. It severely depresses especially since I see so many women getting pregnant. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe it's not meant to be for me. :(
Baby dust to you all...


Blessed521 - December 4

MTaylor- you and me are in the same boat... This is my third round of clomid. Af is due tomorrow and I started spotting tonight :(.... Dh did a sa and the results weren't good. I have not had my tubes checked but I will do another round of clomid and get them checked aside from that I am not sure what to do as I dont want to have to go down the ucf route as it is very costly :( baby dust to you too we won't give up !!!


mtaylor829 - December 4

Blessed- I had my one and only tube checked and it was fine. That was a relief. I have to call me doctor today and see what my next step exactly is. It does help to know that I'm not the only one. I just wish nobody had to go thru this. What is ucf? I'm guessing my next step is IUI. But I want my husband sa checked first because if its not ok then it's just a waste of money. I'm not sure how much that would even cost. I just hope it all works out. For everyone who deserves it.


TTCafter40 - December 4

Good morning, Lovelies. I'm on this 2-week wait thing. AF is due to come on the 14th. HOPING & PRAYING that she does NOT show up. Well, we'll see. Hang in there, ladies. Baby dust to all of us!


praying4BB - December 4

Hello ladies,like I mentioned before I took 3 rounds of 50mg clomid and 1 round of 100mg of clomid, well on day 14-18 had very red bleeding called my Dr he said it was probably that I was O....then i went on day 21 for labs and they told me my levels dropped from the month before :([2 to .01] Now I have not had my menstrual since 10/27 well besides the bleeding in between. So I am very sad please pray for me and babydust to you all


praying4BB - December 4

sorry forgot to mention that I went in on 11/28 for labs to check on a hormone that could be possible blocking my eggs or tubes not sure.I am waitng patiently for results and treatment after.


NickiG - December 4

Hi Ladies! What a nightmare this week has been. I started to spot on cd 24, dark pink and black, and only when I went to the bathroom. Nothing ever accumulated in my pad and when I put in a tampon it was only black when I took it out. (sorry to be so graphic). The weird bleeding during urination only lasted for 24 hours then completed stopped on Friday. I went and had a blood test, BFN. Took an OTC test yesterday, BFN. I am now on cd 29, and no signs of AF. Dr. told me to call him if I get it, or wait til this Friday, and if I don't get it, I will go in to get checked out.
Here's my question, has anyone noticed a significant change in their AF while taking Clomid?
BTW - Did anyone else want to through a brick through the TV when Jessica Simpson announced she's pregnant, and how wonderfully fertile she is.... And then Princess Kate.....I wish I could be happy for them, but I'm not. It makes me even more upset because I've been trying for so many years and these people get prego no problem. Ok, that's it, I've vented.
Baby dust to all!!! *~~~~*~*~*~*~


NickiG - December 4

Hi Ladies! What a nightmare this week has been. I started to spot on cd 24, dark pink and black, and only when I went to the bathroom. Nothing ever accumulated in my pad and when I put in a tampon it was only black when I took it out. (sorry to be so graphic). The weird bleeding during urination only lasted for 24 hours then completed stopped on Friday. I went and had a blood test, BFN. Took an OTC test yesterday, BFN. I am now on cd 29, and no signs of AF. Dr. told me to call him if I get it, or wait til this Friday, and if I don't get it, I will go in to get checked out.
Here's my question, has anyone noticed a significant change in their AF while taking Clomid?
BTW - Did anyone else want to through a brick through the TV when Jessica Simpson announced she's pregnant, and how wonderfully fertile she is.... And then Princess Kate.....I wish I could be happy for them, but I'm not. It makes me even more upset because I've been trying for so many years and these people get prego no problem. Ok, that's it, I've vented.
Baby dust to all!!! *~~~~*~*~*~*~


hoping-for#5 - December 4

I did i was like wth all this ppl getting pg ugh!!! Plus i went to an app and the lady i went to c it was preg :-/ bby dust to all!!!


BabyFever12 - December 4

Hi everyone! Congrats to those of you with bfp's since I last posted!

I know how frustrated many of you are, trust me I am too. I also have tons of people around me getting pregnant with their 2nd & 3rd child & most everyone in my family with children had "oops" babies, including a sister-n-law who had 2 abortions before finally deciding to keep the 3rd one. It is very hard to see all of this knowing how badly we want it, but it's not happening. However, when you see all of these things please remember that every person has their own struggles in some way, many of which may still be to come. It may seem unfair that we are struggling through this, while they get pregnant immediately but just because someone else is pregnant is no guarantee that their baby will go full term or will not have health issues & there are many people who go on to have their babies only to lose them after a short amount of time to things like SIDS. I'm not saying you shouldn't hurt or be angry or jealous. This just so happens to be our struggle in life & I'm glad there are many of us so we do not have to go through it alone. Have faith, be happy for those women that have never had to go through what we have and pray for them to find the strength to overcome their own battles when they come along....


SAL1984 - December 4

I know exactly what you ladies mean! Not only are all these celebrities getting pregnant (with apparent ease), but I have a co-worker who just announced she is like 6 or 7 weeks pregnant, has no doctor, not on prenatal vitamins, and is just completely aloof to the whole situation. It makes me so angry! I hate feeling this way, but it is so unfair.

NickiG--Clomid has my my af doing completely crazy things. When I was on it the first time (before I miscarried) I had no symptoms, it was as though I was never on it at all. This second time has been wild. I spot before af and my cycle is anywhere from 28 to 32 days; however, I am ovulating quite well...just no pregnancy.


Blessed521 - December 4

MTaylor- i meant ivf..or iui

Today af should come on. -TMI Warning- I began an extremely pink faint blood when wiping but that's it.

When on Clomid I have noticed the change in my bleeding pattern without clomid I have an avg 33 day cycle and first day flow is always heavy. While on Clomid my cycle is dropped down to 29 days and the first day flow is some what light and never comes on all at once in the beginning just like today. My cycle will start with light pink discharge and gradually increase but it is still not a normal flow or bright red color always faint and never as heavy as it normally is without clomid...

I have one more refill of clomid left. I am wondering if I should take a fourth cycle or just forget it concentrate on some other things and wait until the new year and become more aggressive with my approach...changing doctors etc...

What do yall think...DH SA is low ... should I do fourth round



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