The Benefits Of A Fertility Diet
There have been numerous studies pointing to the idea that making changes in your diet can improve your ovulatory function and prevent recurrent miscarriages. Eating the right foods can both increase your fertility and improve egg health. But eating a balanced, healthy diet can also ensure you will have a healthy pregnancy.
Pack It In
The right way to eat for fertility is to pack as many nutrients into your diet as possible. That means that you will only eat foods that contribute to your good health. Organic foods are preferred because these avoid exposure to chemical additives. The kinds of foods you want to include in your diet are those filled with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. This is not a reduction diet but one to boost your general health and your fertility.
By choosing only healthy foods, you support fertility more than you would with a traditional diet. Whole, healthy foods help maintain the right balance of hormones, increase the health of a woman's eggs and a man's sperm, while assisting ovulation and fertilized egg implantation. In short, this diet lends support to your reproductive system so it can best do its job.
For Two
Harvard University researchers found that women who followed a fertility diet had an 80% reduction in infertility. But there's yet another benefit: being on the fertility diet trains you for eating as you should during your pregnancy. You won't have to change the way you eat: you're already eating right for two! Here are some more benefits to consider:
*Increased energy
*Healthier reproductive system
*Increases the body's stores of nutrients for a developing fetus
*Lowers your risk for miscarriage
*Sets the scene for the production of a healthy placenta
*Helps to maintain a healthy balance of hormones
*Optimizes the health of your eggs
*Optimizes body function during pregnancy
Main Components
Here are the main components of eating for fertility:
*Drink clean, pure water
*Drink only fresh squeezed fruit juices. Avoid all refined sugars and processed juices
*Avoid all unfermented soy products. Tempeh and miso are fine
*Avoid refined carbohydrates and eat only whole grains
*Always eat carbohydrates and proteins at the same time in a 1:1 ratio
*Include foods rich in enzymes at each meal
*Eat only organic, free-range chicken
*Eat only grass-fed, organic red meat
*Eat fish a minimum of 3 times a week
*Eat one serving of a full-fat dairy product each day, preferably organic
*Eat organic fruits and vegetables, including those from every color group
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