Brenda, I don't want to get your hopes up because last month I thought I had all sorts of pregnancy symptoms and nothing. This month I didn't notice any symptoms and I got a +HPT. But, I will tell you that in the 2-3 days before I got my +, my dog was absolutely glued to my side, much more than normal. I really think she did sense something was going on.
KTL and Brenda...that's funny that your dogs are/were glued to your sides. When I found out that I was pregnant in April, my dogs wanted NOTHING to do with me for weeks...it was the weirdest thing...they wouldn't even sit on my lap. They are much better now though. HAHA
I had my HSG done two weeks and this week I have been feeling cramps that I have never felt before. It is the weirdest thing. You guys are mentioning how your dogs are glued to you! My cat has been the same way!! He will pace to me and then to my husband and then comes back and sits on top of me. He has been doing it for about a week!! Too funny! They do have a sixth sense!!
Hi, I went for an HSG this month--been trying for seven years. HSG is clear, blood tests fine, and sperm perfect. Now I have what I think is implantation bleeding. It appeared exactly 10-11 days past ovulation and was spotty and dark..Pregnancy test so far is negative, but I am so praying that AF never appears! AF could arrive as soon as tomorrow but hopefully not! To Brenda and others whose husbands may not want to give a sperm sample. It is not so hard--the Dr. insisted it be done first. I asked for this for my birthday and said the Dr. would not see me again until I got the sperm results. I made the Dr's appointment (urologist). My husband went to his appointment and got the sanitary cup to take home. They did not require that my husband give the sample in the lobby bathroom. In fact, we had sex at home, he gave his sample in the cup, I kept it warm under my shirt and delivered it to the Dr! He was too embarrassed to deliver it of course, but I did not mind at all. So really, your husband can do this in the privacy of your home. It just has to be as fresh as possible, within 45 minutes!! Very easy!
Ooops! Sorry
Brenda, missed the post about your hubby's sperm count.
My husband had to do his sperm count twice. I had my HSG test on May 10, 2005. My Dr. instructed us to have intercourse every day after the test, which of course we listend ;). That Monday is when he submitted his sperm. The dr. called and said, there was not enough of a specimen and asked if he had intercourse 3 days prior to submitting the specimen. Of course my husband said yes. The dr. then instructed him to go without intercourse for 3 days then resubmit. We listend and his results came back perfect. It is amazing how dr.'s instructions differ from case to case. I did not get pregnant this month but hopefully next month. My periods have been irregular, I took provera to onset my period, hopefully this month will be the month. Baby dust to all. This site gives me the courage as well as the strength to edure the disappointment monthly, thank you!
Did anybody feel sick afer the HSG?? I had my HSG done last weel on 6/23 and i still feel sick. Ive been cramping and feel nauseas. Just wondering if it's just me or has this happend to anybody else??
Had HSg for hopeful pregnancy #2 today. It was nothing! I had a bit of cramping on the way home, but during the procedure, I literally felt nothing. No blockage, either, so I hope I have another HSG baby! We'll be VERY active next week, to say the least! ~~~baby dust to all~~~~~~~
Ok....heres my story to add to everyones confusion. My DH and I have been TTC for just about 3 years. I have been on clomid for 2 of them. I had an HSG test done in May and I got pregnant for the 1st time in May of 2004 (2 weeks after my HSG) and miscarried at 6 weeks. Got pregnant the 2nd time in Oct 2004 and miscarried at 5-1/2 weeks. My tubes are clear hubby is fine and still no luck. Last month my doctor put me on Progesterone Suppositories starting at Day 22. He said they would make me miss AF and I needed to have a blood test done to determine if I was pregnant or not but I did have spotting starting on the day AF was due. My progesterone on Day 23 last month was only 4 with 100 mg of clomid. He changed my prescription this month to 150mg on day 3-7. My first day of LMP was 5/31/05. According to the OPKs I ovulated around day 17/18. AF was due on Monday, 6/27 and I am 4 days late with no PMS symptoms and no spotting. I had a blood test yesterday which was negative and have had all negative HPTs so far. The nurse at my Drs office seemed hopeful and asked me to come in for a 2nd blood test in about a week to check again. I have some symptoms but I'm not sure if they are pregnancy related. My prenatal vitamins make me nausea (which I am), the progesterone suppositories make me sleepy, my boobs sore and give me headaches from the increasing hormone levels. I guess I will just have to wait and see if I am this month. Oh. My progesterone this month on Day 23 was 19.24 and its never been over 9. Thanks for listening. Baby dust and prayers for all of you. Good luck.
I have a question: Does any body know if your periods remain normal and on schedule after you have your HSG done. I just had my HSG done last month and although I really want to get preg this month, I also do want to get over excited, if its normal for your period to be late. Can anybody tell me what to expect?
I have PCOS and am trying to have baby # 3. I am on my second round of clomid along with metformin and had an HSG done on June 28. The only pain I had was when he inflated the baloon on the cath. It was just a very uncomfortable experience...nothing I would like to do again......It took him about 40 min to complete because at first try he couldnt get the cath in all the way.....had to drink two glasses of water to fill my bladder and then it went in like a charm...go figure.....anyway...on cycle day 13 and hopping to O any day!!!!!!! Good Luck ladies and baby dust to you all!!!!!!!!!!!
I just had my hsg done. It was just very uncomfortable until right at the end, the catheter started coming out so he put it up further and had to reinflate the balloon, then both of my tubes were blocked so he had to "force" the dye through. That hurt but it was well worth it b/c he showed me the xray before he forced it through and the dye didn't come out the other end but after he forced it through, it spilled out! I so hopeful that was the problem. Getting ready to BD everyday!!
Hi Johanna, I had my HSG test about a month ago, and yes my af was about a week and a half late. I was hoping that I was preg but no such luck. I hope that this answers your question. Good Luck and Lot of Baby Dust to Everyone.
Hello friends, I will like to knw what AF, IUI, HPT, M/C means?. Then I will like anyone who has more experience to tell me if stooling and vomitting is part of d symptom for pregnancy and if diagnosed to be typhoid is there any chance of being pregnant and have typhoid?
HI EVERYONE!!! well i go july 12th for my hsg and i am very excited to be going. i have been trying for 5 years. not to sure what the problem is. thanks for listening
baby dust to all *~*~*~*
good luck Amanda! We'll all be sending you baby dust!!!