453 Replies
Mel - September 13

I have been diagnosed with PCOS and just started taking 1500 mg a day - I am sooooo tired my stomach feels upset but I just feel as though I want to sleep all the time


madhu - September 14

last time my periods came after 41 days. actually how many days does it take to confirm pregnancy


Deborah - September 15

gold mine!! Just read this thread and I must say I am VERY excited about it. I started Metformin last week...I've already lost some weight and when I eat I no longer feel sick to my stomach all the time...and I no longer need to sleep after eating.
Now one question...anyone here actually deliver to term while taking Met for entire PG? My other question of do I take it during PG has been many M/C's after being told to stop Met here...(((HUGS))) to each and every one of you. Once I get my period I am going for the folli scan and do a round of reading all these posts I'm guessing I'll be haveing a May/June baby!!! fingers crossed!


Johnnie M .Billingsley - September 15

i had a reversal tubal but can't seem to get pregant i even tried clomid but no success


seera - September 19

After taking the Folicular study for three times I was noted that my eggs were small in 10mg so my dr.advised me Metformin 500mg.I am married for 2 years and waiting to have a baby soon.will this tablet help to become preg?


michele - September 22

will the metformin and prenatal vitamins increase my chances of pregnancy as well as my husband being almost forty


rhianna - September 22

i started taking metformin a month ago and i havent got pregnant yet. it started my period straight away after being 2 weeks late and i have been having side affects i have my second period while on it i was 9 days late but i have a proper period it takes time to work im on 1.000mg a day


Miranda - October 5

Hi! Just started trying 2 mothes ago but we have not used protection in 3 years. Went to the doctor had blood test done and inslin was way low! So, I was put on metformin about 4 weeks ago! I have been sooooo sick! As a laid in bed one night still awake at 3am I thought I might be pregnant??? I was bloated and nauseated like I never have been before! I started my period 2 days later which was kind of a shock because that means I had a normal less than 40 day cycle! I have gotten sick 2 times and the headaches are horrible! I feel like all I do is eat so I can take this 3 times a day. My mother who is a nurse informed me I need to be taking the medication with lots of protein. (Takes longer to digest) The last few days have been much better! Try it and see if you feel better!


Nora - October 5

Hi, started taking metformin 500mg twice a day two weeks ago and Just got a positive on my pregnancy test. First positive in 3 years. Actually taking 1000mgs a day made me feel really sick nauseated and tiered so I just tookd 1 pill of 500mg a day and to my surprise it worked. My dr. told me to stop taking it but after reading up on everyone who miscarried, i'm scared to stop taking it. My dr. is not understanding at all. I'm so confused on what to do can someone please help me. At this poing i'm going against my dr's words and I'm still taking the metformin. Some advice on what to do would be really helpfull. Thank you ladies and baby dust to all.


Kerri - October 6

I think that I posted on another site tell my story Nora. I'm 5 1/2 weeks pregnant and my RE wants me to stay on 1000 mg of Metformin. I just had bloodwork drawn again on Monday and HCG was expected to be 1000, and it was 3000, and progesterone was 17.7(which is a liitle low, but still acceptable) I'm glad my RE kept me on the Metformin b/c I wanted to stay on it too b/c miscarriage rate w/o it in PCOS women is 35-40% and with the Metformin it's about 12%--that's a big difference to me. Hope this helps and I'd like to know what other responses you've gotten.


stef - October 6

I'm 7weeks tomarrow and i've stayed on metformin since august 30th. So far so good. i will know for sure if everything is ok on my first u/s oct 11th. I don't want to risk anything by stopping my medication.


Kathy - October 11

I was on metformin and 50 mg of clomid and became pregnant within 2 weeks. For women with PCOS my doctor told me that pregnancy rates with metformin and clomid are about 90%. Good luck.


KEISHA 21 - October 12



Lynn S. - October 12

hello, I hope you don't mind if I join and get some answers. I was diagnosed in 2000 with PCOS. It was confirmed during a recent surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy. Was put on glucophage while waiting to begin again. My doctor said it was prefectly safe to remain on this drug through 1st trimester. We have to wait until Dec 2005 to attempt this again but want to learn what is going on with this drug and share what info I have from asking many questions so far.


Nora - October 13

This is for Kerri. How far along are you know? Are you still on Metformin. I just found out that I am five weeks but i'm already starting to spot off and on. Basically i'm at high risk of having a miscarrage but am praying to God That he please let me have this baby.


Kerri - October 13

Hi Nora....I'm 6 and half weeks pregnant. Yes, I'm still on the Metformin. I went to the RE on Monday and got to see the baby and the tiny heartbeat(even hear it too) Today's technology is sooo amazing. I told the RE I was still taking 1000mg of Metformin---by law he can't recommend for me to take it while pregnant b/c it's a type B pregnancy drug....I told him since I've seen the heartbeat and the baby seems to be doing well I'd like to continue the 1000mg of Metformin at least thru the first trimester....he said he recommends professionally to come off to cover his butt, but he's personally very OKAY with the idea of me staying on it too. He said if miscarriage happens now it's probably not due to Metformin, it would more chromosomal defects. Sooo, are you still on the Metformin too? You were only taking 500 mg right? I hope all is well with the you have any pain? Maybe it's just an implantation hemmorage and the bleeding will be absorbed and stop. Let me know how you're doing



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