high PROLACTIN levels
599 Replies
Rina - September 12

Hi Tiffany! How long were you trying to get pregnant since you've been on the bromocriptine? My dr. says if the clomid does not work he will put me on that. His attitude is he sees lots of patients with what I have and its just harder to conceive. Because my prolactin was 25 the last time we checked he considers it to be normal and does not feel the need to be put on any med. He gave me 3 choices about what I have. 1.Remove it which he does not advise because it is small. 2.Be put on meds which he does not advise because there is many side affects and 3. Just watch it and monitor it. I ended up choosing #3 because that's what he was pushing for. He bacame very upset with me because I had so many questions about it. I kind of went into a depression, but now I found this site I realized that i'm probably going to be okay. So do you think I should be put on the meds to bring my prolactin down so I can get pregnant. And can a women give birth naturally with having this or will she need a c-section?


Rina - September 12

HI Lizzy! When you stopped taking the meds did you ever check to see if your prolactin was still elevated. Is that a good book to really help you conceive?


Tiffany Jo - September 13

Rina, We just started TTC. We really wanted to see what my levels were doing on the bromo and also it does take quite a while to get used the the meds' side-effects. What kind of Dr. are you following with? I really recommend an endocrinologist because pituitary disorders are their specialty. Since you are not on meds I would imagine that they would check your levels at least everyother month if you continue to have problems getting pregnant. I would ask to have them checked monthly, but I am a pushy nurse! Working in the medical field, I see a lot of people who just accept the 1 minute explanations of their physicians on whatever their diagnosis may be. YOU MUST BE AN ADVOCATE FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH. Do not leave the office with continuing questions or concerns. If your doctor gets mad that you have a thousands of questions, then he should refer you to a specialist who will address all of your concerns. Like you, I also was stunned and a bit depressed when I found out I had an adenoma, but with time those feellings have gone away. I was diagnosed in May, so it was kind of a crazy summer! My OB and endo said that I can plan on a normal pregnancy but they will watch me like a hawk. Your pituitary gland naturally gets bigger during pregnancy so they would watch for any change in condition like visual disturbances and headache. As long as the tumor does not get dangerously large (which is rare for microadenomas <1%) we should be able to have normal pregnancys and deliveries. The only difference is that we will not be able to breast feed.


Jennifer - September 13

I just found out on friday that I have a microadenoma. I have had high prolactin levels for the past three years. I was able to breast feed with my last two children. Why can you not breast feed with an adenoma?


Jennifer - September 13

I have had high prolactin levels for the past three years. During the time I have conceived twice while on meds and breast feed. Two weeks ago I took an MRI for the first time and on friday I found out that I have a microadenoma. So when I do conceive again does that know mean that I will not be able to breast feed?


Tiffany Jo - September 13

Jennifer, I am only stating what my OB and endocrinologist stated. They said that I wouldn't be able to breast feed because the stimulation and breastmilk would increase my prolactin level. This opinion may vary, but that is what they told me. I breastfed my daughter so I was hoping to do it again. Did anybody else with a microadenoma breastfeed after delivery?


Rina - September 13

Is pituitary disorder and PCOS common in one person. I mean can you have both and be treated for both with meds to bring down prolactin and metformin for the pco?


Sandra - September 14

I have had high prolactin level for almost 2 years now, and was then also diagnosed with pituitary tumor. I started on parlodel (Bromocriptine) but that didnt help much. I have been on dostinex for almost a year now and my levels are still high. On a good note, my last MRI (May 05) showed no more tumor. But my prolactin level is still int he 40's and I really want to get pregnant. Been ttc since March and I have not had a period since June. =( I thought perhaps I was pregnant but a recent blood test was negative. [email protected]


Rina - September 14

Sandra, how big was your tumor? I asked if it can go away and the Dr. who did my MRI said that it was possible. How long did you know you had it since it went away? I've been trying for 3 years but still no luck, it's only recently that i've found out about the tumor. My dr. put me on clomid 100mg, I took my last dose yesterday. Hopefully this works.


Sandra - September 15

Rina, it was April of 02 when I went to my doctor because of an absent period of 8 months. Prior to these 8 months I was on the birth control pill for a few years, so my periods where of course on track. My doctor said it wasnt and unusual problem when stopping the pill so I waited. A few months later I noticed a bit of discharge from my breasts and again went to the doctor. He ran tests discovered my prolactin levels to be high, he checked my thyroid and that was normal. So then I started seeing an endocronologist and was even refered to an neurosurgeon. The Endo ordered an MRI and discovered my tumor. I'm not sure on the size but I know it was fairly small. About how long I've had it- I strongly believe I have had it since I was a teenager ( I'm 25)because I have always had really irregular periods and I remember having discharge I never confronted a doctor about. So after MRI I did my research and decided to try meds. I was on bromocriptine for quite a while and my dose kept increasing to a point where I was taking 5 a day! That didnt work because honestly I would forget to take them all through out the day so I then started taking dostinex which I'm still taking now. Although my tumor is gone, my prolactin levels are still high and my period has now been absent for 3 months. I went through 4 MRI's before discovering it gone, with my latest one in May 05 and the one prior to that in the beginning of 04. Good luck!


Rina - September 15

Hi Sandra. I was wondering did you get headaches alot when you had your tumor. Because I notice I get bad headaches right before I get my period. I also had headaches during my pregnancy with my daughter to the point where I would throw up. But at the time I didn't know yet that I had elevated prolactin & tumor. Not only do I have that, I also keep on getting cyst on my right ovary. It seems to be every 2 years it appears and then needs to be removed. My dr.'s not concerned about it at all but I am because I really do want another baby and my little girl begs me for a sister or brother. Did you ever have cyst on your ovaries, or did anybody out there reading this post ever have a cyst on there ovary. If so please let me know what was the outcome of your situation. Thanks for your info it really helps me to deal with what I have.


Sandra - September 15

Yes, I did have headaches on a regular basis and a lot of fatigue. Once I started the meds, the headaches were not as often and not as bad. I have not had cysts before. I'm also trying to get pregnant.


MAG - September 15

I just discovered this website doing a search on the Internet about prolactin levels. I'm 23 and recently I approached my doctor cause I had been without a period for 5 months. My periods have always been a irregular but the longest was probably 3 months which at the time my doctor said was normal. I was getting headaches, putting on weight (whilst eating the same amount) and my breasts were very sensitive on some days. I recently had a blood test and my prolactin levels are high and I had an ultrasound which showed that I have polycystic ovaries. I got an MRI to check my pituatary gland yesterday which I am still waiting for the results for. I never realised that PCOS existed until my doctor told me about it. I'm a little bit fearful that I may be infertile. Could this be the case? I'm still to consult a specialist but at the moment just trying to educate myself about this. Is there anywhere else (websites) that you can recommend? I'm specially interested as to how I can treat this? Thanks.


Tiffany Jo - September 15

Rina, I also have a history of severe headaches and ovarian cysts. The cysts that I have had have all been small, 3 or 4 cm, yet extremely painful. I never had to have them surgically removed because they rupture on their own.


Rina - September 16

I just got back from a drs. appt. and I asked him if he thought I had PCOS and he told me yes. I was surprised because with all the symtoms that i've had he never told me what it could be and also he never treated me for it. I asked him if I could be put on meds for it and he gave me metformin 500mg. It upsets me that I had to figure this out for my self and do my own research. It's like if I didn['t figure it out for my self, who knows how long I would suffer. He didn't even blood test me, he just gave me the meds, that doesn't sound right, does it! TIFFANY were you diagnosed with PCOS because of your cysts? Does anyone no if the metformin will help me get pregnant? I finished my clomid a few days ago and now I'm on this. Does anyone know if PCOS and Elevated prolactin are linked together.


TEENA - September 16




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