Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
janelle christine - May 1

Patientlywaiting, I read your last post and it is very similar to my situation. I also do not get ultrasounds. Just bloodwork to also check my progesterone levels. I began my first round of clomid on april 4th. I had my levels checked on the 22nd. The doctor at least wanted them to be at 13, mine were 25.3. What were your levels??? I am also going to take a test on mothers day. I have been having some cramps though and my breasts are tender, which could go either way! I thought I had some implantation bleeding last weekend, but don't want to get my hopes up. I wish everyone lots of luck. I will say baby prayers for everyone.


+Patientlywaiting+ - May 1

janelle christine: Not exactly sure where my levels are at I haven't tested this month but I did get a positive OPK on CD12 and test on mothers day I've had some cramps boobs aren't sore but I am praying extra hard this month but know that if I didn't get it this month there is always next month. What mg of clomid are you on? I started on 50mg then 100mg and now 150mg not sure what my dr will want to do if the 150mg don't work! I'm glad that someone is on the same cycle I am on it is nice to be able to have people understand everything your going thro. Here is my facebook!/pr
look me up by the way my name is Mandy... I wish you the best of luck and will be praying for all you ladies and lots of baby dust!!!


fountain - May 1

Hi Ladies. I have hear so many good stories about clomid and friends of mine have goeen pregnant in the 1st and 2nd month.Lots of positives on this topic all the same. Just to fill you in on my suituation. I've been on clomid for 5 months taking 2-6. I havent had any scans since i started taking it and I'll be 4 weeks late on my af this Tuesday. That more of less means I have miss a whole period. I've done 4 hpg and all neg. Very disappointed and frustrated. I have my 2nd apt with my consultant on 10th May and hoping for more answers..... Congrats to all who have been sucessfull. Also my sis had twin girls 6 week ago IVF..... They are amazing x I'd be delighted to hear from someone who is going through same x


janelle christine - May 1

Patientlywaiting, I just started my first round of 50mg on april 4th, days 3-7. I have my hopes up because I have been doing research online about the "symptoms" I've been having. I have a huge feeling that this isn't my month though. You know that yucky, blah feeling you have just days before you get your period, well that's how I feel today! I know there is always next month, but I was almost positive I was pregnant. I won't read into it as much next month so I'm not disappointed again. I will still pray for all of you!


+Patientlywaiting+ - May 1

janelle christine:Don't count out pregnancy yet not everyone has the same symptoms or any for that matter. My sister went almost 3 months without knowing she was pregnant because her breasts weren't sore and no morning sickness she didn't use the restroom any different than she had before and she has twin boys that are now 2 . I know that is just another story that we have all heard before but I try to hope for the best and know that the worst can always happen but know that all things happen for a reason. I am having no symptoms right now except a little crampyness nothing dead on about either my monthly or pregnancy. I am praying for us both let me know either way! Baby dust prayers to all!!!!!!


janelle christine - May 5

Well, my af began this morning so I'm pretty bummed. One plus though, this is the first time I got my period 2 months in a row and it was only 3 days off!!!! Hopefully since it is regulating, baby making will be easier. Last year in may I got pregnant, but miscarried in june. Maybe may is our lucky month! I will be starting my 2nd round of clomid on Friday. I still have everyone in my prayers. Good luck to you all!


chorona - May 5

Hi ladies, an update on my progress. Todya is cd17. Went to the clinic for regular monitoring, found 2 follicles, one is 13mm and the other is 12mm. They grew 3mm and 2mm since Monday which a good sign. Nurse just called with the bloodwork results and my estrogen level shot up from 292 on Monday to 633 today...very good news. I've been told to go back in tomorrow to do more bloodwork and another u/s. Hopefully these follicles will continue to grow so that we can do the IUI before we go on vacay on May 13th.

Janelle christine: it's good that your cycle is starting to normalize. I suspect that it will make it easier to pinpoint when you're ovulating and your fertile days. I have PCOS and never know when I'll get an af. I've been off the bcp for 6 months and only got af twice without assistance. I had to take Prometrium last month to force an af so that I could start the Clomid.
The nurse seems to think that my body is not responding well to the Clomid because my cycle is dragging out and sometimes people with PCOS don't respond to CLomid but will do well with Letrozole (Femara). That will b eour next step.
Patientlywaiting: where are you in your cycle? updates?
As always, baby dust to all!


chorona - May 7

It's been 2 days since my last post and I have some good news. Looks like I have two good follicles at 21mm and 16mm. They started off slow but have really been growing quickly in the last 2 3 days. I'm waiting for the nurse to call me to let me know if we go in for the first IUI tomorrow and then another one on Sunday, or if I go in for a shot of Ovidrel and then IUI on Sunday and Monday.
Either way, I would have one of the IUIs on Sunday which would be great as it's Mother's Day.....maybe that means something!
Good luck to all trying!!!


+Patientlywaiting+ - May 17

Hey ladies, just wanted to give an update...I am fixing to start my af got a negative on my test day )= I was really bummed but we still have this month just waiting to start. I hope all is going good for the rest of you ladies. I will keep everyone updated. Good luck and lots of baby dust!!!


Jen30 - May 17

stork2010 ummm it's also known as the trigger shot? Hcg shot. Body builders also use it for when they 'crash' or something... luckily somoene I knew, knew a body builder who got me some. It was my 1st cycle back on clomid for a year and I really think the shot did it for me... I took it as soon as I got a positive opk. Side effecs from clomid... ummm... no ewcm, headaches.. insomnia.. strange dreams... slight 'stoned' feeling 1st month.

I also took co Q10 to help oxygenate blood flow, baby asprin to help blood flow to reproductive organs, selenium suppliment to help thick womb lining as clomid can thin it, pregnacare as it has lots of these things in anyway... I took robitussin in the few days before O and a few days after.... apparently your ewcm is not just around your cervix but also coats your uterus and fallopian tubes so it's really important that you have ewcm for the sperm to travel too. Ummm... I also used preseed. I felt utterly drained, exhausted like my body was fighting something 8/9 dpo and my nipples were extremely sore from 4dpo onwards.... got faint pos opk 11dpo and by the afternoon got positive clear blue digital and frer... I guess the hcg built up quicker with 2 babies.

Yeah I'm going to find out their sex on May 28th :)

They have a thing here that if you have a child they will not help you get pregnant as you already have one you are not entitled, so you must go private. I did not want iui or ivf or any of that... just to be prescribed clomid again ligitimately so I have a chance like everyone else... unfortunately this was not to be, but luckily I dod a LOT of research and managed to succeed without their crappy help.... I'm just lucky I didnt damage myself in the process!!

Good luck you guys x


chorona - May 25

Hi ladies,

I have a question about beta levels for those of you that have gotten pregnant before. I tested today (i'm 15dpiui) and got a BFP but my beta level is too low at 44 and it should be at least 100 right now. I'm retesting in 2 days and am hoping that the number will at least double. I can't even be 100% excited because I'm so worried that it won't be a viable pregnancy. Have any of you been in a similar situation?
thanks so much, and baby dust to all of us.


blissful88 - November 7

hi everyone!im actually new on this site...i have been trying to conceive 22 years old and planning to have a child, i know my age is not that old but still i wanted to have a child early because i had undergone an operation way back 2007.Due to a dermoid cyst on my right ovary and my left ovary is polycystic and after the operation my right ovary was doing fine but still i have to be given a medication to induce my period cause i dont menstruate regulary and just last year,2009 i found out that my right ovary was already polycystic, so i didnt have a period for i think 6 mos. or more and it started to alert me again because i was thinking im having another cyst, so i went to my doctor and she gave me again a medication to induce my period,after that i menstruated and she gave me metformin and clomiphene citrate on day 3-7,i was really expecting to get pregnant at the first dose but yet it was unsuccessful, got a negative result but i felt pregnant lately. But the pregnancy test say its negative.Well, it got me so depressed and frustrated. I dont know where to start again because i didnt get to have a period. So do you think clomiphene citrate works?how many doses do you have to take to make it work??i was given 50mg dose for 5 days.


butterflyspirit - November 13

Hey Blissful88. I was reading your stoy and I understand you totally. I have been trying to conceive for a loooong times yrs to be exact. With and without meds. I am now 31 yrs and hubby and I are ready to try for a baby. OBGYN put me on Provera to start Af...then take Clomid days 3-7. I also take Metformin off and on weekly. The side effect are horrible and that is why I don't take it daily, but I do take it. Hoping it works this time around b/c if not I'm looking to Profasi, Pregnyl or IVF as a last resort.
I hope you are preggos though. Baby Dust to you and all the other ladies trying!


Mommy?? - November 27

Hi :) I'm new to this so can everyone just bare with me please? I don't have a success story. I do however need advice if anyone can give it. Me and my husband have been TTC for a little over 3 years. I have never had children. I have just recently been diagnosed with PCOS. My dr. Says I rarely ever ovulate. Sometimes going months at a time without O'ing. I'm starting to get extremely frustrated with this. My dr. Did however suggest clomid, but I don't know if I should or not. I am very cautious while taking medications. I do not have a lot of information on clomid and that scares me a little. So here are the questions I have, first off, is it safe? As in are they're any really bad side effects that can severly hurt me? Also how likely is it to conceive after clomid? How long does it take for most woman that are using clomid to conceive? And last but not least, how likely is it for a woman taking clomid to. Concieve multiple babies? Does that have anything to do with genetics or is it entirely dependable on your egg count? In sorry there were so many questions and this post was so long. Like I said I'm new to this and any advice you ladies could give would be greatly appriciated. Oh, and one more question, is it safe to purchase clomid from an online pharmacy? Or should I have it prescribed? Because my insurance won't cover any of it. Thanks. :)


alioop - December 29

It is nice to not feel so alone in this. I have been ttc for over 2 years. I am 38 and my clock is ticking...loud. My husband and I waited to start trying till 2 years into marriage because he is younger than me and wasn't quite ready. I just started my first round of Clomid. I take my last pill tonight. I have had two hot flashes today, it was good to read on here that it was normal. I know the heart ache of waiting and testing and then bam Aunt Flo has arrived yet again. My husband, God bless him, doesn't understand how hard it is for me. I have wanted to be a Mom since I was a kid, I couldn't wait and now I just keep my chin up and know that God sent my husband to me when I was 30 and he was and is what I always dreamed of so he will send my babies when it is time. Baby dust to you all, I will update soon.


Mommy?? - January 4

I hope it works for you alioop. I still have'nt tried it yet. I cant afford to pay for it with a prescription and im scared to purchase clomid online because i dont know if there are any safe online pharmicies and if so, what they are. But hopefully one day :) and good luck to u!!



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