Hi Beth and KellyN, I read that pineapple is good for making the egg stick. It either makes your lining thicker or more susceptible to implantation. When I took clomid, I took it days 3-7 also, my doc said those days were the best proven days for it. Didn't work for me the only time I took it though...and I probably won't take again because it gave me painful cysts. Anyways I am still on AF so it's going to be a while before anything is happening with me! Hope you both are happy and well. Talk to you soon.
Hi Kellie and Beth! I'm on my third day of clomid, half way over - whew!! Thanks for the tip about pineapple! I've heard that pineapple was good for fertility, but had no idea what it was for. I haven't had pineapple in ages, so I think I will go get some - yummy!!
Hi well got the second set of blood tests back today and my HCG was 103 it almost tripled from the test 2 days ago so all signs good so far. I'm so nervous still though because last time I m/c'ed it was a week after finding out I was PG so I still have a few nerve racking days left. I'm still eating pineapple and my progesterone was 37! I guess anything above 15 is good so I don't know if it has anything to do with pineapple or just good luck but I'm not giving up the pineapple just yet. I too heard it was good for implantation so eat away, I'm just glad it tastes good! Thanks for all the well wishes. Talk to you both soon!
Hi ladies! Just checking in. I'm on my second to last day of clomid now. Only one more day. I can't wait to get it out of my system. I have a huge headache! Beth sounds like everything is going nicely! When do you go in for your first ultrasound? They say you can see the baby's heart beat during the first ultrasound. That sounds so neat!! Well, dh is coming home tonight - yeah!!! The whole house just seems so much happier when he is around, even when I constantly have to clean up after him. He has worked it out to be home next Thursday for the IUI, so that is a relief! Kellie, sweetie, let me know how you are doing!! Hope you and dh are having a nice relaxing cycle away from all the hoopla of drastic baby making. P.S. I ate a bunch of pineapple today!!! -kelly
KellyN great to hear from you I'm glad the clomid's almost over I hated that medication. What dose are you on? The last time I took it I was on 100mg a day. I didn't ever have headaches from it but I couldn't see at night or in low lights. I'm still doing well I have to go for a 3rd set of blood tests on Tuesday then we will schedule the u/s to see the heart beat probably for September 1 or 2nd. I'm still very cautious about this really happening. I think once I'm past Sunday (tomorrow) I'll feel better. It was at that time last time that I started bleeding. I'm praying so hard that it doesn't happen again. Good luck with the last days of Clomid! When are you going for the u/s to check the follicles? I'll be praying for you!
Hi Beth! Last day of clomid for me - yeah!!! My doc put me on 100 mg. I'm sure you are going to pass tomorrow with flying colors! You just think positive thoughts, and relax a lot. Eat some more pineapple. After ovulation day I think I'm going to try to eat pineapple every day. I've always thought implantation was my biggest problem. Even with the pcos, I did ovulate naturally a few times before, In May I had a chemical pregnancy. Basically, I got a positive test on a hpt, then it was gone next day, and I had af early. Your blood tests are sounding good. Have you had any pregnancy symptoms yet?? -kelly
No symptoms really yet I'm just tired and hungry ALL THE TIME!! I also get out of breath really quickly walking up stairs. That was actually my first symptom! By bb's are still not sore but they feel BIG. I actually had to go buy some new clothes yesterday because my shirts weren't fitting in the top too well so I bought 2 sizes bigger than usual and figure I'll be able to wear them for a while. The only other thing I noticed is that tomatoes make me sick. Who know's what that's about. Keep me posted on how things are going! Is DH still around this week? It must be so hard to go through it without him. You'll be in my prayers for a successful month!
Hi guys, Sorry I haven't checked back lately! Part of de-stressing for me is to not obsess over these posts. Not charting has been so great for me, I feel good and relaxed. I think I am on day 8 or 9 of my cycle but I am not sure. Just going to take it one day at a time. Beth, don't worry! I think this one is the one. I am so happy for you! Talk to you both soon! I will keep checking back occasionally!
Kellie you sound like you have a great attitude this cycle the more you stress over everything the worse/harder it is. Best of luck you'll be in my prayers for success this month! Keep in touch!
Hi Beth and Kellie! I figured your not participating on this board had something to do with your de-stressing. I must say this board is addictive. Its just so nice to hear from other women that are going through what I am going through. None of my friends seem to understand. The few who know seem to want to console me all the time, which is just a terrible feeling - to have someone feel sorry for you. I'm staying positive, though. Luckily I have a wonderful dh, and he has been my rock through this. Dh is gone this week, but he gets to come home early (tomorrow night) so he will be able to give a 'sample' for the IUI on thursday. I'm getting really excited about that, especially with your success, Beth! I have my u/s tomorrow and will get an hcg shot to make me ovulate then too. Then the next day is the iui!!!! Yeah!!! -kelly
KellyN good luck with the u/s! I had the hcg shot as well ouch! It's not bad just make sure they do it on the side you don't sleep on. It hurts like a bruise for a few days because it goes right in the muscle. My lab work came back excellent today HCG = 821 we were expecting it to be between 600-700 so 821 was a shock. I've been very crampy today so I'm REALLY nervous but the doctor said it's normal just everything moving around and expanding. Lovely expanding that's how I want to think of myself....But I'll take it!
Good luck again tomorrow and I'll be praying for you!
Hi ladies! I'm back from the gyno, and had my u/s today. I have 5 follicles, three on the left ovary and two on the right, so that is good. The follicles on the right are bigger and more round. The doc said one of the right side follicles look particularly good, and that if I get pg it will be from my right ovary. I'm excited, and a little nervous, about my IUI tommorow. The doc said it will be about 2 hours of my time. 45 minutes to rest before hand, then the procedure, then I have to stay lying down for another 1/2 hour. Is that how it went for you Beth?? BTW, 821 is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I know you feel relieved after getting past the time you had your m/c. Well, girl, you made it, so rest up because once you have a baby you will never sleep again! ;o) -kelly
Kelly great news about the follicles. Did the doctor tell you what size they were? How was the HCG injection? Hang onto your ovaries on Friday boy will they probably hurt from ovulation with so many follicles. Your IUI sounds much more high tech than mine. My took about 10 minutes I went on my half hour lunch the first time. I just went in had the IUI got up immediatly and went back to work where I stand on my feet. The second IUI I did get up as soon as it was over drove home and slept for an hour or so afterwards. I've never heard of resting before but I was suprised my doctor didn't have me rest after. He said once everything's in it wont "fall out". I'll give you a few bits of info I've gathered along the way. Don't lift anything over 15 lbs for a while, continue to excersise if you already do and try to keep calm, easier said than done I know but I really think this past month not thinking about it every second of the day helped. I had so much work stress that I almost forgot about the whole thing during the day. I'd think about it at home but heck that was 1/2 the amount of time I was thinking about it before.
Good luck tomorrow let me know how it went. Oh and make sure your DH know's NO LUBRICANT!!! It kills sperm!
You'll be in my prayers -Beth
Hi guys, just wanted to say hi! Beth that is such great news on the pregnancy! Kelly I bet this will be your month! I am doing so well, really focusing on other areas of my life. It's helping me, and I am learning to just take it one day at a time! I will update here and there as i have time. I am going to ovulate in a few days so you know where I am in my cycle. talk to you ladies soon!!
KellyN how did the IUI go? I really hope this is your month and yours too Kellie. Things are still good here still don't really feel pregnant it's hard to think that I don't have to use the OPK this month and go for all the u/s's. I keep wondering when someone's going to wake me up from the dream. All I can say is that if you have no symptoms over the next few weeks it doesn't mean ANYTHING. The only thing I just started to feel today is my bb's are a bit sore and I'm bloated by the end of the day. I'll be praying for both of you for BFP's this month!
Hi Beth! I survided my first IUI. It was a bit painful for me. The doc said my cervix was really small, and he had a hard time getting the tube in. This morning I am ovulating. Its not quite as bad as it was last month, but it is a bit painful. The doc wanted to do two IUI's (a second one today), but did not tell us until yesterday. Did you have two IUIs at once?? Thanks for all your suggestions and input in this. It has been most helpful to talk to someone that has been through it! Glad that you are finally feeling some symptoms. You will be really lucky if you don't get very many. When my sis was pg, she said she had puking down to a science! Well, I need to get some work done in between doubling over in pain, so I'd best get on it. -kelly