Finding The Cause Of Pelvic Pain

Most women have a pain in the pelvis at some time or another. But when the pain is bad enough to sideline you, you may decide it's time to get it diagnosed and treated so you can get on with your life. That said, finding the reason for your pelvic pain may not be a brief or simple process. There may be more than one cause or it may be caused by something difficult to detect.

Still, if your pain is bad enough that you can't work or it is getting worse with time, you should see your physician. Here we talk about the different characteristics of pelvic pain, the diagnostic process, and possible treatments. Keep in mind that even in the event that a cause for your pelvic pain cannot be found, there may be treatments that can alleviate the pain.

In trying to make an accurate diagnosis as to the cause of your pelvic pain, your doctor will ask you to describe your pain. Your pain may be intermittent and brief, or you may have pain all the time. For some women, pelvic pain comes at regular intervals and may be predictable. In others, pelvic pain may be linked to specific times or activities such as during urination or sex, just before or after meals, or during menstruation.

Can't Cope

There are women who experience pelvic pain most days. In some cases, this is a sign that the issue causing the pain has worsened. At some point, the pain may worsen to a degree that makes it hard for you to cope. If your pain has progressed to this point, the pain may be worse at certain times though the reason behind the pain has not worsened.

Pelvic pain may make it difficult for a woman to go about her work, move about, engage in sex, sleep, or take care of her family responsibilities. This causes some stress, but the stress is worse when the reason for the pain remains unknown. If time goes on without a resolution of a woman's pelvic pain, her situation may begin to affect both her physical and mental health. Pelvic pain lasting longer than 6 months that doesn't respond to treatment earns the label of chronic pelvic pain.

Pelvic pain can be caused by any number of health issues, some of them benign. Pelvic pain may be acute or chronic. Acute pain is sharp and comes on within a short time span. Chronic pelvic pain may be intermittent or constant.

Scar Tissue?

Pelvic pain may result from the formation of scar tissue. But no matter what the source of your pain, it deserves investigation. See your doctor and tell him about the pain you're experiencing. A physical examination and some tests may turn up the cause of your pain. In any event, your doctor should be able to suggest measures to relieve your pain.

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