Causes Of Acute Pelvic Pain

Most of the time, acute pelvic pain can be traced to a specific cause. The kind of pain is often a clue to that cause, which may be an ovarian cyst, an infection, or an ectopic pregnancy. Here's an overview of the various causes of acute pelvic pain:

*Infection—it's a given that any kind of inflammation or infection affecting a woman's reproductive organs is going to cause pelvic pain. But it's important to note that infection in other organs can cause pelvic pain, too. Pelvic pain can be caused by appendicitis, bowel inflammation, or a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) connotes an infection that affects the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. The symptoms of this condition include pain in the lower pelvis and fever. The pain tends to be a mild achiness, though for some, the pain is severe.

Frequent Urges

Urinary tract infections or infections of the kidneys, bladder, or urethra, may cause pain on urination. If you have back pain, too, the infection may have affected your kidneys. Frequent urges to urinate produce little urine.

A vaginal infection (vaginitis) on the other hand, doesn't cause pelvic pain, but rather local vaginal pain during sex. The pain lingers after intercourse.

*Ovarian Cysts—cysts are fluid-filled sacs. Cysts are sometimes formed during a woman's normal, mid-cycle ovulation. In most cases, the cysts dissolve on their own within a couple of days. But sometimes a cyst doesn't go away.

Twisting Cysts

You may feel a sensation of heaviness or a dull ache. You may feel pain during intercourse. If the cyst oozes fluid or bleeds a bit, you may feel sharp pain. The pain often occurs around the time of ovulation, in the middle of your menstrual cycle.

In rare cases the pain is constant, sharp, and severe. This happens if there is a large cyst that twists. Large cysts, as well as any persistent cysts—those that do not dissolve within three months—may need to be surgically removed.

Cysts will either be detected during a pelvic exam or with ultrasound testing.

Not Viable

*Ectopic Pregnancy—this type of pregnancy is not viable as the embryo implants outside of the uterus, outside of the place where life may be sustained and nurtured. Such pregnancies often affect women with tubal damage and the embryo will then implant in a woman's fallopian tube. The pain will be on one side of your abdomen just after you miss your menstrual period. You may or may not have bleeding or spotting.

Medical Emergency

An ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency and you may need surgery. The growing embryo may cause the fragile fallopian tube to burst. Abdominal bleeding may result. The condition can be fatal.

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Has any body else heard of endosalpingiosos, i have just been diagnosed with it and am unsure what it means.