When is too soon to seek pregnancy help!
2 Replies
Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for five months now and no luck. This will be our sixth month but don't know if it's a bust yet or not. I should know in a week when af is due. I was thinking about going to see my doc next month and to see if their is a problem with either me or my husband! Is this too soon to seek help or should I wait the recommended 12 months. A lot of people say go after six months to keep from having unncessary stress! Can anyone help me?
Cayce if you are in UK the docs don't usually help you until you've been trying for at least 12mths. Also I've herd that if your in your early 20's then they might tell you to try for 18mths. 5 mths isn't realy long if you read some of the boards on her most ladies have been trying for 2yrs plus. Goodluck.
when is it to late to seek pregnant