whats the chances?
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Jodie - December 8

Tom morning I go in to get my ultrasound and see if my eggies are mature. If they are I will get a shot hcg.
What are the chances that I will have a mature follicle? I PLEASE help me. I am so nervous!!! thanks...
O also, the dr. said that I have no cysts on my ovaries(just FILLED to the max with eggs!) and my uteris lookss very healthy,so what do yuo think my chances are???
Tom morning I go in to get my ultrasound and see if my eggies are mature. If they are I will get a shot hcg.
What are the chances that I will have a mature follicle? I am on my first round of clomid 50mg. I am also on metformin(1,000mg), and will get a shot og hcg.am on my first round of clomid 50mg. I am also on metformin(1,000mg), and will get a shot og hcg.
I am so nervous that I will go in a nd there be nothing and have to go through another cycle. Will I have better chance of Oing and a mature follicle because I take botPLEASE help me. I am so nervous!!! thanks...
O also, the dr. said that I have no cysts on my ovaries(just FILLED to the max with eggs!) and my uteris lookss very healthy,so what do yuo think my chances are??

____h metformin and clomid?

I am so nervous that I will go in a nd there be nothing and have to go through another cycle. Will I have better chance of Oing and a mature follicle because I take both metformin and clomid?



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