Sex?? How Often??
6 Replies
Kitten!! - April 1

When TTC how often should I have sex. I've seen ppl on here saying something about it's not good to have sex every day, but every other day is good?? Also what is the 10 to 20 day thing about?? Thanks ladies!!
..................Baby Dust To All!!................


erica - April 1

aswer plese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amanda - April 1

The 10-20 day thing is this: you should have sex every other day starting 10 days from the 1st day of your last period and ending with the 20th day.. If your not sure exactly when you ovulate this is a sure way to make sure you are hitting the mark..Every other day!! is very important so that the sperm is mature, you don't want any young boys in there that don't know what they are doing:) Do this answer your questions? Oh and Clear Blue Easy pg test and ovulation test are both VERY good.


erica - April 1

Thank you! Amanda


Kitten - April 2

Thank you Amanda!! Your awesome!!


stacey - April 2

to piggy bak on that...I wouldn't stop on day 20 unless you are absolutely sure you have already ovulated. I have a longer cycle, and don't ovulate until around day 30 (still trying to find out exactly when- I m/c and it messed up my cycle). I am ttc every other night until I am sure I ovulated then poor hubby can have a break. Also started on day 8. Started ovulation predictors on day 10.


sami - April 2

when to have sex for getting pregnant



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