reproductive endrocinologist
1 Replies
wondering - March 16

I've had 2 miscarriages in a row (no children) and my OBGYN suggested I see a reproductive endrocinologist. Anyone ever been to one? What exactly will he do for me, what questions should I be asking? Advice would be greatly appreciated.


Trying at 28 - March 16

Hi. You were referred to an RE because you need to go through infertility procedures to find out what is wrong with you. Having 2 miscarriges in a row could be the results of a mullerian abnormality (which can be fixed) or perhaps something else. I am no doctor but I am currently seeing one because I have been trying to conceive for more than 1 year. These doctors know about all the procedures you need to undergo to determine why you are having the miscarriages. Perhaps you will need to have an HSG, Endometrial Biopsy and Blood Work done. Good Luck to you !!



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