Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
30ttc11months - September 8

JUst had hsg, not really painful at all
just mild cramping. I would do the test again if I had to. dont fret people


Dianne - September 8

Hey Nikki, Femara is actually a medication that is used for women who have had breast cancer; however, in the last few years it has also been used for infertility. There is some info. on the Internet on it which would probably be more helpful for you than me trying to explain it. From what I understand from my dr., it is used to promote ovulation as an alternative to clomid. For some women Clomid actually prevents them from getting pregnant due to the anti-estrogen effect (i.e., it thins out the endometrium). Femara (aka as Letrozole) is a fairly new treatment in the infertility world but has had very good results. The side effects are much less than Clomid and some dr's prescribe it if women complain of bad side effects with Clomid. There is a site that I go into where women talk about their success stories with Femara and IUI - if you want it I can give it to you. I hope that hpt comes back positive for you soon! Thinking and praying for you.


Jenn - September 9

Hi everyone, I had an eptopic pregnancy and major surgery on 5/6/05 - lucky for me my tubes were saved. I had an HSG on June 17th and been TTC since with no luck. Used and OPK 1 month and it said I was ovulating; one month followed my cm every day until I had the egg white cm - I called the doctor and she thought maybe I was experiencing anovulatory cycles. I never had a problem before - since the eptopic I have also gone month to month different started at 32 days, then 31, 30 and now 28 - I hope my body is just adjusting from the major surgery and will bounce back again. I'm just getting over af today (9/9) and my husband is off on a business trip the 24th so we are going to bd every other day from today until he leaves and maybe that will work. I'm getting very discouraged especially since my doctor told me after the HSG my tubes would be all cleaned out and it's so much easier to conceive. Baby dust to all.


Nikki - September 12

Dianne~ Thanks for the info...I did get my period true to what I've heard about clomid causing it to come later than normal. It came exactly 3 weeks from the last pill I took on day 9. I start my second round of clomid at 100 mg on Wednesday but don't see my new RE until Thursday. Don't know what advice he'll give us. Good luck to you and let me know how things are going for you. Thanks for the extra prayers...God knows I need them.


Dianne - September 16

Nikki, Well I got AF today - cd 29. The Femara did not work. I am disappointed, but am getting use to this feeling. Guess ther'e always next month! I am seeing my RE tomorrow, but I suspect he will want to do another cycle of Femara. Wish me luck! Hope things are going good for you. Take care.


Nikki - September 16

Dianne~ I wanted to wish you luck tomorrow. I went to my first appt. with my new RE and he was great. I've never been to an RE before so this was all new. I had my first ultrasound today and things look good. I have to have another one next Friday with bloodwork and if all goes according to plan I will have my first (hoping ONLY) IUI on day 20. Have you ever had an IUI? Is there any reason why you're just doing the meds and shots? I know you said you had an HSG back in July, same as me. Were your tubes open? If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? Do you have any children? Good luck and let me know what happens tomorrow...I'll say a prayer for you.


Dianne - September 17

Hi Nikki, I hope all goes well for you. What cd are you on (I'm on cd 2 today). Yes, I just finished my 3rd IUI 2 weeks ago. I began seeing my RE in January. I did 3 cycles of Clomid and an HCG injection to make me ovulate but no IUI - just the natural way. Then I did 2 cycles of injections (Puregon) with the HCG injection and IUI. Then last month I started the Femara and Metformin with the HCG injection and IUI. I'm beginning to feel like an expert at this stuff. I do have a 3 year old daughter who we conceived only after 3 months of trying. When she was about 8 months old we started trying for another one - 10 months later we were pregnant but I had a m/c at 6 1/2 weeks. I got pregnant the very next month. At 24 1/2 weeks our baby girl stopped moving. That was the worst day of my life when I found out that our baby had died. I delivered her 2 days later - at which time we learned that she had died for a knot in her umbilical cord (she was born August 10, 2004). We have been trying to get pregnant since last Fall. I really have no idea why I'm not getting pregnant. I learned from my RE that even though I have a regular cycle, I don't ovulate regularly. I thought that once I started the Clomid I would have no problem getting pregnant, but I was wrong! I thought that my greatest challenge was going to be getting through another pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby, but now I don't know if I will ever be able to conceive again! I'm trying to remain hopeful. My RE has doubled the Femara for this cycle and I am also seeing a Naturopath (which is how I got pregnant last time!). I'm hoping that the 2 together will be the winning combination! I am 35 years old and the HSG showed that my tubes are perfectly clear. I know that my story isn't very happy, but I'm hoping that it will have a happy end.....and soon!. Anyway, thanks for listening. I could use all the prayers I can get. Please keep me updated on how you're doing.


Johanna - September 23

Hi all. I went to my appt today. Horray for me I o'ed on the left side which is my good side. I have to get my shot of HSG on Sunday which my friend is going to help me with (she's a nurse) I was afraid of giving myself an injection. And I have to go back to the Dr on Monday. He wants to do an IUI on monday. This will be my first IUI and we really hadn't discussed it much before today so im kinda nervous. I dont know what to expect but the doc said it might up my chances since I only have one good tube. Has any body done IUI?? any sugesstions?? Does it hurt??


Nikki - September 23

Dianne~ I'm sorry to hear about all that you've been through. It's a long road that sometimes doesn't seem to end. I was wondering how this last IUI went for you? Any news? I went to the doctor today and he scheduled my IUI for Monday. I have my first HCG shot tomorrow night. I'm more nervous about that then the IUI. My husband is giving me it. Hoping it won't hurt too bad. My RE said that this round of clomid (100mg) really worked for me. I have at least 4 folicles that are a good size. We'll see. Then of course it's the 2 week wait. I'm sure you're an expert at this by now. I'm crossing my fingers for you. Let me know what's new. Keeping you in my prayers.


Nikki - September 24

Johanna~ I also have my first IUI with clomid (2nd round 100mg) on Monday. I have no block tubes but did not ovulate yet. I have to do the HCG shot tomorrow night to bring that about for me. From what I've heard from several people is that it's like a pap smear. It should only take 5-15 minutes or so from what my doctor told me. I heard it's about as uncomfortable as the pap but no worse. I don't know what it's like afterwards though. I have read on this same web site (by just typing in IUI in the search field) some women's experiences. Hopefully it will help you. Mostly women hate the 2 week waiting period. I can only imagine. Guess we'll know what that's like all too soon. I'll look for your posting after Monday. GOOD LUCK to you. We're in the same boat. I have my pregnancy test scheduled for 10/7. Crossing my fingers for a positive result. Let me know how yours went. Prayers to everyone out there. Keep thinking +++++++++!


Nikki - September 24

P.S. Johanna~ I've been told an HSG is much worse so if we survived that this should be okay....right? Hope this helps you.


Dianne - September 25

Nikki~ You don't need to worry about the IUI, it really doesn't hurt at all. The actual procedure takes a couple of minutes, then you lie there with your legs up for 15 minutes to let gravity help. I saw my RE on Friday (cd 9) and I had 5 follicles - 3 on my right side which were all the same size and 2 on my right which were a bit smaller. This is the best response I have had in 7 cycles of treatment. I will likely give myself the HCG injection on Monday night (it doesn't hurt either) and then have the IUI on Tuesday morning. You're right, the 2ww (2 week waiting period) is the worst part! Keep me updated on how everything goes for you. My body didn't respond that great to Clomid, even at 150 mg - I only had 1 follicle - so it sounds like it might really work for you. Good luck!


Nikki - September 25

Dianne~ I will wish good thoughts for you if you have your IUI on Tuesday. This is my second round of clomid. They started me at 50 mg last month then moved me to 100mg this cycle. During my ultrasound on Friday I think I had 4 or 5 follicles. Four on my left side and 1 on my right. They were all between 16-19 in size. I'm hoping I won't have to do another IUI next month. My RE was pretty suprised that I responded so well to the clomid. We'll see....thanks for all the help with everything. I will keep you posted and please do the same. I'll be thinking about you. I'm sure we're both right around the corner from getting a BIG FAT POSITIVE on the next pregnancy test. Let me know the two weeks go for you.


Johanna - September 27

Well I made it thru the IUI. It was not that bad just a little cramping, Thx all for your support. I hope this works for me and all of you that are in the same boat. Now the wait starts. for 2 weeks. I wish that we all get preg before this year is over. Lots of baby dust.


Nikki - September 28

Dianne~ Wondered if you had your IUI today. Had mine yesterday and you were right it was no big deal. Only felt one pinch and it was over. Now it's the 2ww that's gonna be the hardest. I've been having sharp pains in my right breast on and off since last night. Has that ever happened to you? I don't know why it's happening to me. Have you experienced any symptoms after an IUI? Other than mild cramping I haven't felt much. I will know next Friday Oct 7 when I go in for my pregnancy test which would be 14 dpHCG shot. When will you know? I might take a HPT that morning before I go in for the bloodwork. I would think that the HCG from the injection would be out of my system by then. I don't want to get a false positive and be disappointed. Did you take any HPT after your IUI's? If so, how many days did you wait past HCG shot? Were they accurate? Just wondering. Hope you're doing well. Thanks for listening.


Johanna - September 29

Yesterday I cramped all day I even went home from work early and lied down for a bit. I don know if it was because of the IUI. I thought all the symptoms would be over since I had the IUI on Monday and its thurday now. Im still cramping a bit now but not as much as yesterday. Did anybody ever cramp 3-4 days after the IUI?? just wanted to know if this is normal?? Thx



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