Ovulation tests
6 Replies
TTC - November 10

Are there any kits that you can start using after day one of your cycle. My period has already started, but I would prefer not to wait until next month to use the kits. Thanks in advance.


sugarplum - November 12

yes there are i have been using clear blue's ovulation kit and they are pretty straight forward to use. I hope this helps you out:)


ttc also - November 14

Yes, the kits I've looked at don't have you starting to test until your a few days into your cycle.


kim, - November 18

When do you ovulate


TTC - November 19

I should ovulate on anywhere between 11/20 and 11/23


m - November 19

TTC, go here www.at-home-pregnancy-tests.com. They have some ovulation test strips. The are so much cheaper than the midstreams, and just as effective. I've used both. You can order a pkg of 20 for like $17.00 or something like that. And they arrive in only 3-4 days. You just pee in a cup, stick the strip in for 5 seconds and wait. I always start just a day or 2 after my period stops, because you never know when you might ovulate earlier than expected, and you don't want to miss it. Good luck!


Marcia - November 27

I 've been using Ovulation test strips for 2 months now and my Dr. says to keep doing them, anything helps, especially with weird cylces. It depends on how many days your cycle is depends when you start testing (eg. 28 days, start on day 11/12 and test everyday until it shows your ovulating and your good for 36 hours), but you can start testing anytime, they say it depends on your cycle days for "Normal" people, but you can start on day 3 if you want. They have packages of 20 LH & 5 HcG for less than $20 cdn. The website for the mail order is www.buyovulationtests.com/contact_us.html Don't worry, I'm not a salesperson for this company, a friend of a friend told me and they got preggers 3 months later - as they says, "who knows?". If you live anywhere near North Vancouver in BC, you'll get the order within a week as well as anywhere on the 'Wet' Coast. Good luck TTC!!



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