negative ovulation test???
6 Replies
Hi I bought a bunch of ovulation tests and should ovulate this weekend I took one yesterday and there was no line at all where the LH hormone should show so it was negative but I thought that hormone was always in your system but not as strong until you ovulate so there should always be a line there just not as dark as the test line??? I am really confused andy advice would really help Thanks!!
| L - June 16 |
Hey! No, not always - sometimes there is a REALLY faint line and sometimes not - don't stress! Just know that when it's positive, the test line will DEFINETLY be as dark or darker than the control line. And remember not to use your FMU. Good luck!!
Ya know, I always had problems reading those sticks too and got really frustrated. I finally went on EBay and bought a brand new fertility monitor for $75 and also included a box of sticks with it. Totally worth it! It takes all the stress and guesswork out of it and now I know exactly when I ovulate. Good luck!
how long before you ovulate does the line show up im am due to ovulate on sunday would it show up yet
Hopefully someone can help me with this. I just moved and threw away the instructions for my OPK. I used a stick this morning and I had two lines, one lighter than the other. Are they both supposed to be the same color? Should I test once per day or more? I have been ttc a couple of months and am now wondering if I am actually ovulating later than I thought I was, as I assumed if there were 2 lines (any shade), I was good to go, so to speak. Any advice would be apprectiated. Thanks!!