I had my first IUI on FEB 20th... It was quite uncomfortable. I felt akward for a min then it was alright. Now waiting to see if it worked or not.
My wife has had 4 IUI procedures in the past couple years. They all went well without any pain or discomfort. She was able to return to normal activities that same day.
Nancy, you were the only one to answer that you were pregnant. Can I ask how old you are? I had a m/c 10/04 and haven't been successful since then. My gyno has suggested we try for IUI in June and I'm just curious if age is a factor in succeeding. At any rate, I wish you the absolute best. May you have a wonderful pregnancy and a beautifully healthy baby!! Baby dust to all.
It does not hurt, in fact it is quite comfortable. Don't worry. x
What happens is your partner either brings his sample or produces it at the clinic. Then you guys wait for about an hour while the staff clean and prep the sample. You get on your beatiful gown and hang out on the table. The Dr turns on a blinding bright light and opens you up to see your cervix the sperm is placed in something that looks like a humingbird beek, injects just beyond the crevix. you will experience some cramping but it doesn't last long
Hi girls, just had IUI, not painful at all, felt like a pap nothing more. Good Luck to u all