i cant get pregnant
5 Replies
Cindy - July 9

me and my bf are trying to get pregnant but when we try nothing happens. he tells me its because he did drugs 4 months ago. but i dont know. i really want to have a baby can some one help me


Jen - July 10

Cindy, are you watching your cycles, taking your temp? Its not bc your bf did drugs 4 months ago. Getting pregnant is a tricky thing and can take a year. If you were on birth control then that takes 3-6 months to leave your body, Keep trying! and relax....it'll happen when you least expect it!


kat - July 10

What kind of drugs was he doing and are your sure he's not still doing them? That's something you should be sure of before putting your "baby to be" in danger...


mari - July 11

Cindy I agree with Kat, before even trying to bring a child into this world you should be sure your bf is not doing drugs for your sake and the baby. Good luck


TaiVion - July 11

Well they say that drug use lowers the sperm count but there's no real way to know. The best advice I can give to you is for both of you to make sure that you are healthy. You start taking prenatal pills and he needs to stop the drugs and hopefully it would result in a pos. test. Good Luck and Baby Dust.


()() - July 12

Shouldn't you be married and better off before you start trying for a baby? I know we all do some type of drug sometime in our life but 4 months before you try to concieve, thats not a responsible Dad. I didn't mean this post to be negative, just some advice. Concieving takes time, your most fertile time is about 12 days after the first day of your last period. Don't get up so quick after you've had sex, sperm need time to get where they have to go so keep your hips propped up on a pillow or something. Eat lots of folic acid, take prenatal vitamins too. Good luck.



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