we were doing it most mornings..
from day 10 til 17..
my ovulation test was negative on day 14 positive on day 15 and 16 and negative on day 17!!!
scan on day 14 showed two follicles about to release two eggs, so i think i must have ovulated on day 16 and we done it day 14 night and 15 in the morning.. and day 16 in the morning..
i know they say the sperm is better every other day. but we didn't want to miss the eggs....!!!
good luck ..
also same as lune did not go toilet til the morning!!
Rebecca I am in essex uk. I had been trying for two years. I had to ask my doc for help time and time again in the end I asked a lady doc to help me and she did. When I saw my gyni I asked her for clomid and luckly she agreed. I think it's easier in usa because they pay, I got my pills on nhs.
| kt - March 24 |
I am in the US, but do not have my clomid paid for by anyone but me! It's not bad though, generic version is only about $25 a month for 5 pills at 50mg. I got my prescription from my gyn dr. Fertility treatment is not that readily available here either. There aren't all that many fertility specialist clinics, and treatment at one is very expensive. Most health insurances here do not cover fertility treatments. Everything that I do in the fertility area, I will have to pay for myself.
Thanks everyone! My period strted today so it'll be my 4trh cycle of chlomid nxt month. I will take on board all of your comments and instructions! and god willing i'll have lots of baby dust sprinkled by you guys all over me! Your support has been great and thank you to all of you who have answered me. I'll keep in touch.
Hi Everybody
I have just started on my first course of clomid as I have been trying for a baby for 2 years.I hope it will make my wish come true as I have had most tests done and everything seems to be fine.Some days I feel so upset that I can't get pregnant.I really hope clomid will help. Is there a good Success rate wit them? All the best.
Hi all, we' ve been trying 8 months,no success, and then I was given Clomid and it worked on first shot! Could not believe it...now I am 10+1 weeks.I had a little trouble with insurance too, eventually I had to pay for Clomid,50 mg pills, 30 bucks...because my insurance required my hubby be tested first, so I better paid in full, was not expensive,although my hubby got tested later just to make sure. But anyway,it was the best investment ever!
I am on cycle day 25 now, and am itching to take a test. But I don't want to take it too early. I really hope this works. Best of luck to all.
I am on my first cycle of clomid 50mg. I am also taking metamorphine 500mg 3 times a day. I have never had a period or ovulated without birthcontrol. I have been taking metamorphine for about 6 months but I havent Started my period with just this. I am hoping that this works for me. My husband and I have been married for two years and we have been trying for a year now. My question is after taking the day 21 blood test at my dr, what day do I need to take a hpt. Good luck to you all. And just keep praying. The good lord anwsers prayers.
I am now at the end of CD35 and still no AF. And getting negative HPT. I don't know if I should go ahead and take provera so I can start another cycle or if I should wait a little longer. I really had myself excited about this cycle.
Jennifer... It only took one cycle for me on the clomid. Had a m/c though... I had taken the hpt and they were negative. I was worried because provera can be dangerous when pg so I went for a blood test and it was positive. I didn't get a positive hpt until after I had 3 positive blood tests. I am glad I didn't just start the provera now. Good luck!
I got pregnant my second cycle of clomid. The hpt showed + on day 26 (light positive).
In 2003, I got pregnant on my first cycle of five 50mg clomid and I have a baby boy. Yesterday my doctor said the same meds did not stimulate my ovaries enough and I would not ovulate from the two small follicles I have. He's having me take ten 50mg pills next month.
I am on my second month on both metformin and clomid.... I'm taking clomid on day 3-7 two tablets a day and i'll know in another week if it worked! The doc thinks that I might have miscarriages almost every month! Did you ever know anybody with such a problem and if they were able to get pg?
I am on my second cycle as well. I took 1 cycle of 100mg in Jan. and then stoped and started -up last month. I just got my period. I am hoping I get pregnant next month. What did your Dr. say about the fact that you tried and got no reponse for 7 years. I hear that it works in the first 6 month from many, but my fertility Dr. said if it doesn't work in 3 cycles consider other methods. We've been trying for 8 months -- feel like forever
I got pregnant the first month on clomid i had only taken 50 mg and i got pregnant with twins and one of them ended up in my tube so they had to operate on me and now it has been 2 years since i have taken it and the new dr i am seeing out me on 100mg i am kinda scared that i may end up pregnant with triplets or more i have been trying to have a baby for 6 years i would say this dr thinks that it is finally going to happen
Trying for the third cycle at 200mg. Last time I got pregnant on 100mg.