First time on chlomid
119 Replies

Melissa, I also have had the nausea (and still do). It started on day 19 for me.


Melissa - June 3

Thanks Nikki. It's REALLY nice to hear I'm not the only one. Although I'm sorry you're feeling sickly also (unless it's because pg - then in that case good for you!). :-)


stacey - June 3

Girls, I have a did you get the dr, to give you Clomid? I havelong cycles- 36-46 days, and was just tested for PCOS- i'll find out the results next Friday. MY obgyn said IF I have it, he'll start me on clomid, but not sure he will if I don't have it. I had a m/c in Jan (got pregnant very quickly after I was off the pill- cycle was 30 days long). Just wondering if you guys asked for it, or they advised it. THANKS


Melissa - June 3

Hi Stacey. I can tell when I o, and so we knew I wasn't. If I had been charting I don't think my dr would have made me wait so long. She just needed to be sure I wasn't o'ing. Good luck with your test results.


Drew - June 3

Hi Gracie. Are you on Metformin aswell? I started out at 100mg Clomid, and I dont think it worked this month. Af is late AS USUAL!!! lol. I only have two more months on the Clomid then he wants me on Pergonal. What really is bugging me now is I dont know what day to start the next cycle of Clomid without af. Grrrrrrr! Lotsa luck ladies!


Bree Stedman - June 6

FIRSTLY I HOPE EVERYONE GETS GOOD NEWS SOON AFTER BEING ON CHLOMID. I have been on it on & off for nearly a year - but still nothing. I just had a laparoscopy to clear up some endometriosis and this is the first cycle of being on chlomid since. I have a question - has anyone heard of this drug being related to cancer?


Melissa - June 6

Hi Bree. A lot of first reports said that clomid was linked to ovarian cancer. However, more research has been done and the cancer has actually been linked to INFERTILITY and not the clomid. Hope that makes you feel a little better.


Melissa - June 6

Let me clear that up. It's linked to the certain causes of infertility (I don't remember what they were). It was not indicating that every woman who is infretile is going to get cancer.


tina - June 8

to stacey on 6-3-05
If your doctor is making you wait for clomid, I would find a new doctor. I did not ask for it, but I told my doctor that I wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible and I wasn't ovulating. She took immediate steps. You have to remember that doctors deal with this everyday and sometimes they forget about the way people feel. So I would break it down for your doctor and if you don't get results, find a new doctor,


Tiffanie - June 14

Hi everyone I just wanted to say that I have used clomid before and had luck with it. I took only one dose of it and got pregnant right away. So keep your hopes up it really works. My son is now 2 and we are trying again.


Kristen - June 15

First time on board and clomid too. I hear that 7 days after you finish the first dose, you should ovulate. If that's the case then today I should hopefully ovulate. Wish me luck! I'll be hoping the same for you too!


Erin - June 15

Hey guys, I have read all of your responses. My husband and I have no problems getting pregnant I just have a hard time carrying it. I have lost two (one at 7 weeks and one at 9 1/2 weeks). I am going to a new doctor on Monday and I am going to suggest Clomid. Someone told me that maybe it would help me carry the baby! Does anyone have a clue? I ovulate every month and have a normal period. Please help I am real worried!


misty - June 21

hi,elizabeth. i am right behind you with support. this is my first time taking the pill and i started on day 3 of my cycle. my experience, well my husband states that i have been moody but i dont think so, thats just me!! i have had three miscarriages since 07/2003, my dr said i have no problem getting pg it is holding it, they stated that this pill will help. JUST LEAVE IT IN GODS HANDS AND HE'LL BLESS YOU. good luck to you sweety! misty, tucson AZ


Carolyn - June 21

Hello All! I also just finished my first round of chlomid day 5-9. Not the best side effects. I got hot flashes, cramps, bloating and very moody.
My husband and I have been trying for almost a year but I also tried in my previous marriage for 5 years. I also had the HSG test, not fun at all. It looks as though my husband and I are okay, but I don't know why I can't get pregnant. I am really hoping this works. Has chlomid worked for anyone that you know of the first time.
The doctor who did the HSG test said have fun for the next 2 months this is the best time to become pregnant by cleaning out the tubes. Interesting. Hope this all works out. And best wishes to you all.


Nadine - June 22

I'm wondering if anyone can help me desperately? i am currently on metformin and have been for nearly 2 mnths i have an appt next month to go to doc and start on clomid if not pg this cycle. My question is i have been ovulating with met and have so far had 2 periods while being on it. I have seen alot of people say that it helps you ovulate but i am already so if my doc does prescribe them for me what exactly would happen does anyone know what they will do for me.
I would really appreciate some feedback as i am soooo confused and i can't wait till i see my doc for an answer.


Carolyn - June 22

Nadine, I am also ovulating. When I looked into it Chlomid releases more eggs. So there is a higher chance of pregnancy. We will see.



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