Allright girls" New Cycle!!** New forum**
211 Replies
Crystal - May 12

Good Morning Everyone! Hope your day is going good.


Mel - May 12

Sorry girls, I'm on and off today trying to get some budget information taken care of. Nicola - I'm doing good, how about you? You sounded like you were getting a bit of a cold. Milissa - I did get your e-mail, and I will respond. Just have some deadlines to take care of first. Also, I do have problems with Hunter not sleeping all the way through the night. I will sometimes just walk him back to his bed but a lot of the time I'm too tired and just put him in bed with us. The little turd sleeps just fine, but kicks the crap out of us. :-) Lately he's got used to falling asleep with me while my hubby does homework so when he ends up in our bed later he only kicks my hubby because he doesn't want him in the bed. He's getting much better at waking me up though. Instead of standing by my head and yelling "MOMMY"! he now just taps the bed by my head. (so cute)


Mel - May 12

Sorry, that was such a long post. But hey, I've been reading about anovulation. I kinda think that may be what's going on with me. I know I didn't ovulated Jan and Feb. Missed af March and April, but did o in April then got a/f in May. I see my doctor today and am going to ask her about it. Isn't Rebecca the one who also has anovulation?


Hi Mel - May 12

Dont worry about the long post. I used to have trouble like that with leon sleeping (or not) and if I didn't put him in my bed I would wake up and he would be there! Ended up putting a safety gate on his bedroom door, ignoring his cries and putting him back to bed continuously for 4 nights (cruel I know) and he has slpt through ever since! Thought I was getting a cold, but feel better today?


Milissa - May 12

this is the thing..stevie wakes up crying well winning ...and I go in there ask him what is wrong "I don't know".. did not pee the bed ..ok" not hot...not cold...I ask him if his tummy hurts "yes" does your eys hurt "yes" you get I put him back to bed hour later UP...same cycle..after about 4 times of this at 5:00am I unpluged the monitor went back to sleep....there he crys crys crys....this went on for an hour..went in there I have to pee mom.. put him on the toilet ( not nicely ) by then I WAS FED UP!! told his little ass to get back to bed this is getting out of hand!!! Well by hten I could not go to sleep I was to pist off... steve had to be to work soon,so we all got up..tryed to talk to him and sk him what s going on hes says that he is scared..scared of what?the fan or max are dog...seems to me like the kids brain won't shut off???


milissa - May 12

sometimes he says he has bad dreams, but htat could be cause we ask him if he had a bad dream?? I don't know I have to take him to the doctors at 1:00..hopefully he has some answers..


Nicola - May 12

That is exactly how Leon was and I think once it happens a couple of times it becomes a new routine for the little guys. Its very hard I know but you need to try and find a way of sorting it out there is nothing worse than being over tired, not only do you feel crappy but you end up really snappy aswell (well I did anyway)!


Milissa - May 12

yes I am very TIRED I cannot even keep my eyes open...:( and I'm very snappy!! I don't feel good this morning and I'm frustrated!!! I try to ingnore steveie when he starts up! but we have a monitor in the room


Mel - May 12

I took the monitor out when he moved into the toddler bed. It's hard to ignore because you want to make sure they're ok. How do you get him to sleep in the first place? Do you lay down with him or does he go on his own? I have heard of people bringing in a sleeping bag and letting their child sleep on the foor beside them and gradually moving it to their room (a foot or two every other day or so). I've seriously been thinking about that because Hunter's getting too big to sleep in our bed.


Mel - May 12

I understand what you mean about the bad dreams and that he may be saying that because you aksed him. Hunter told me yesterday that his belly was too bad (toddler speak for my belly doesn't feel to good) and that he needed to go to the doctor. I guess he told Nate that this morning also. Which is kind of funny because we've never told him that he had to go to the doctor because he wasn't feeling too good. Although we did take him in a couple of weeks ago because somebody in the nursery at church dropped him on his head and the doctor asked how his belly felt. The things they come up with.


Milissa - May 12

MEL> thats NICE" thats why I'm home with him..
He has been good with everything off the bottle at 12mos,nuke gone 18mos,by 2 1/2 hes potty trained. got his own firetruck bed when he turned 2,
Now that we have moved into the new house (in jan) he slept good at first, then these nightmares came about...he has a cup of water next to his been when he gets thirsty, he has his fan (needs that) we talk about his day and pray then its time for bed 8:00pm. he has his blankie his simba, and we even have supper frank the dog that puts all his bad dreams in his ears..( he has little beeds in his ears) so we tell him thats were all his bad dreams go..


Crystal - May 12

You know I hate the long cycles of taking provera then waiting for af , then waiting for day five then taking clomid, then waiting for day 21 for progesterone test then waiting for day 28 or after so you can test for pregnancy. And still not sure the af will come on its own because it never has. sorry just needed to vent!


christina - May 12

hello girls, doing some running of errans wanted to say hello, hope you all well!


christina - May 12

oh my gosh i cant spell errands!lol


Drew - May 12

Hi all! I have been trying for three years to get pregnant, and last year I was put on Metformin. It really didnt do much, except make me feel quite sick. On the fifth I started on Clomid and a much higher dose of Metformin. Now I am so confused about my ovulation.... I think it happened only days after I finished my Clomid cycle. Is this possible?


Mel - May 12

Hi Drew. I'm unsure about clomid. I think (not positive) that Rebecca is taking it. Haven't heard from her in a couple of days, but she'd probably be the best person.



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