PCOS Clomid 50mg 1st time
41 Replies
Hopefullysoon- Thanks if it comes i will definitely ask her then.
Hi ladies,
Thank goodness for these sites lately it is nice to hear all of your stories and find people that can understand. I think other people think I am crazy.
I am 27 yeals old and my husband and I have been TTC since July. My cycle has been anywhere from 35 days to 42 and the waiting has been practically killing me. My leutal phase is very short 10-11 days and AF is very short and light- so I started 50 mg of Chlomid today (CD 3); I am scared and worried about it. I'm scared I'm trying something too early but I can't wait another 30 days just to ovulate. My mom is a nurse in OBGYN so I'm nervous that the doctor prescribed chlomid to to me sooner than normal because my mom is involved.
Everyone says I'm young and it is has been under a year so that is "normal" but it doesn't make me feel better or take away the pain each cycle when I wait so long to O and then it doesn't work. If one more person says "it will happen when you stop trying" I'm going to scream. How can I stop trying when I have a dream that I am pregnant almost every night and they are so real.
Praying and hoping for all of you! Some of your stories blow my mind and I believe you must be the strongest women in the world. I truly respect your opinions and look forward to reading and talking more.
Kara333 - Welcome! I'll give you a little update on myself. I'm currently on my 5th round of clomid. I'm on cd7 and just finished my last pill today. I'm up to 150mg because I have PCOS and my insulin resistance that is caused from PCOS is making me build up a resistance to the clomid. So I am now also on something called metformin to help control my insulin so I hopefully stop building up a resistance to the clomid. I'm just so ready for this whole process to be finished and to be pregnant already!
I also hate when people tell you it'll happen once you stop trying! No it won't, I have PCOS it's a little more complicated than that, but I find the only people that understand are the people going through a similar situation. Good luck and keep us posted :)
| DN - April 21 |
Hi Kara333 and welcome. Sorry ladies i haven't kept you all updated i have been a bit depressed. After taking the Ovedril i was so positive and was very hopeful that i would fall pregnant cause the ovedril injection was to help my eggs to become even bigger so it would make it easy for the sperm to penetrate the egg. But nothing happened.I was really disappointed by had to pull myself together and end of this month i would have to go for HSG. Has anyone you know went for it and had fell pregnant soon after. I am still on glucophage to help with my PCOS.
| DN - May 8 |
Hi Ladies, i have some great news im 4 weeks pregnant seems the ovedril injection helped me maybe not immediately the fertile week i took it in March but it helped last month. I last got my period on april 1 and was due for it last week Saturday 30 April. I was late and for the first time im never late always a day early or it comes on my due date. I did a home pregnancy test on sunday last week and it was neg but couldnt take the wait any longer so i went to the blood lab and did a test thursday. It was positive i was so excited and surprised so was the hubby. But on friday during the day i had cramps and started to spot n rushed to gynae and he checked me out and has prescribe some medication to strengthen the womb. If this miracle can happen for after trying for 2 and a half years im sure it would for all of you and you know the most important part of me falling pregnant it happened to be the only month i didnt stress about ovulation week since my hubby was leaving for overseas trip. But it happened. I cant wait for my 7 weeks check to hear the heat beat. Fingers crossed for all and baby dust.
| DN - May 27 |
Hi guys,this week as been worst ever. I had a miscarriage at the 7th week into my pregnancy. It seems like i am back to square one.
Hi ladies,well it has been along time since i have been on here .i have had pcos since a teenager im now 31.I rad a artical in a magizine about pcos and siad i think i have this,my doctor just blew it off,over the years i have done my own research and i finally found a doctor to confirm it.i was givin clomid a few rounds i tried i did respond to it but had no luck.i just had a d&c done in march and ask my doctor about metformin she said she would not put me on it ,so fustrated .I then made an appt for a reproductive endo and very first appt they confirmed that i def do have pcos.I had blood work done and hsg test and DH had his sa test done all is well ,except pcos .Im gonna be taking provera and then letrzol 2.5mg 3xday ,day 5-9 and i upped my dose of metformin to 1000mg on cd 12 i will have to go in for a ultra sound.oh i was put on metformin because i told a little lie to my new primary doctor that i was on met ,but lost my ins.so he did put me on it .....my RE called me after my blood work and said yes to stay on it and up the dosage to 1000mg because my blood work showed that i did in fact need it ....so ladies listen to your bodies and do ur own research .Im so hoping it works .Happy Baby making and lots of baby dust to us all
Ladies quick update. Sorry it has been so long ... DN I am so sorry I felt your pain as I read. I am still on Clomid 50mgs and no progress until May when I had a menstrual cycle come on its own. Today is the 16th which is smack in the middle of my ovulation period however I did not have a menstrual cycle and even though I took over 6 preg tests they are all neg. Ovulation test is positive... but I am confused as to how that could occur if I didn’t have a menstrual cycle. I started provera 2 days ago we will see what happens.
Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been on here in SO long. DN I am so sad to hear your news :( And I hope it doesn't take you to long to become pregnant again!
As for me, I'm 12 weeks pregnant. It finally worked on my 5th round of clomid. And that was the first month I was also on metformin. My body was kept building up a resistance to the clomid due to my insulin because of my PCOS. So I requested to be put on metformin as well to control my insulin and TA DA!! I was also using preseed lubricant as well, not sure if it helped but I'm know it didn't hurt the process. So far everything is good and my belly is starting to grow.
I truly hope you all get to experience this soon as it truly is amazing. I know the struggles and pain you're going through because I was once there too. I'm routing for you all! ***BABY DUST***
Hi girls, I am new and starting clomid 50 mgs in the morning! Ultra sound and bloods do not indicate pcos but my consultant reckons I have a 'touch' of it which may be why my cycle is usually between 36 - 40 days. I also get bad clots during af.. sorry for tmi... I really hope this clomid works for us. Its been a year now and we have been doing everything we can