Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
mndpnd92 - April 3

So disappointment kicks in once again when i got my period on 4/2/12. I was really hoping that the HSG and the clomid would do the trick for me but guess not. When I went in twice they only found one good sperm so that is our new concern. I have an appt tomorrow 4/4 to get an untrasound done because we are now looking into IUI to hopefully do the trick. As well as we are going to do a sperm analysis for my husband for more then just one reason. He has a daughter....or so we thought and we have been paying child support for over a year now but if his sperm count is low we may have to do some additional testing to see if that really is his daughter or not. My doctor is telling me that the IUI is $298 plus my $50 co-pay each time I go. It seems as the more we try the more expensive it gets :/ definetly the hard part.Does anyone have an insurance that covers some of these things or atleast a better insurance then what I have. Any suggestions would really be helpful. Good luck to everyone!


udbe2 - April 3

mnd... I'm sorry to hear that. Mine was a dissappointment too this month but I've gotten used to it especially after 16 years ttc. I have good insurance that covers a lot of fertility testing but it's not available to everyone except military. I wish they would start covering IUI and IVF that would be great but they don't.


PreahPassions - April 16

Hey guys, am new on here so I'll explain my story.. Ttc for over a year now. Had all my blood test done, all normal.. Just had a Hsg on April 12, 2012 and today am having major cramps. The test didn't hurt too much, like going to the gyn.. But I did bleed for 2-3 dAys... I have been pg twice and no miscarriages, so I just need support and advice from some ppl that have similar stories...


PreahPassions - April 16

Hey guys, am new on here so I'll explain my story.. Ttc for over a year now. Had all my blood test done, all normal.. Just had a Hsg on April 12, 2012 and today am having major cramps. The test didn't hurt too much, like going to the gyn.. But I did bleed for 2-3 dAys... I have been pg twice and no miscarriages, so I just need support and advice from some ppl that have similar stories...


PreahPassions - April 16

Hey guys, am new on here so I'll explain my story.. Ttc for over a year now. Had all my blood test done, all normal.. Just had a Hsg on April 12, 2012 and today am having major cramps. The test didn't hurt too much, like going to the gyn.. But I did bleed for 2-3 dAys... I have been pg twice and no miscarriages, so I just need support and advice from some ppl that have similar stories...


PreahPassions - April 16

Hey guys, am new on here so I'll explain my story.. Ttc for over a year now. Had all my blood test done, all normal.. Just had a Hsg on April 12, 2012 and today am having major cramps. The test didn't hurt too much, like going to the gyn.. But I did bleed for 2-3 dAys... I have been pg twice and no miscarriages, so I just need support and advice from some ppl that have similar stories...


Hopefulholly24 - April 16

Hello I am also new on here... I have been all over the Internet trying to find a site where I could express my feelings and share with women who would understand my frustration and sadness. I've read most of the posts prior to mine and found most of them encouraging and I want to thank this site for that, as in my everyday life things are less than encouraging... So here's my start similar to most of yours, my husband and I have been TTC for just over a year, I'm 28, ha the initial blood test done, seems that I'm ovulating so that's a good thing and my husband had his semen analysis and that came back as he has a normal sperm count, so now I'm scheduled to have a HSG test this Tuesday and I'm very nervous, not so much because of the pain (in my opinion any pain is well worth it if I am able to get pregnant) but more for the fact that as much as I'm trying not to, I'm getting my hopes up and my biggest fear is getting let down. Mostly because then what?? Am I going to spend the rest of my life trying so desperately to get pregnant and having to go through aggravation and pain and let downs again and again while getting pregnant seems to happen do easily for other women?? There is nothing I have ever wanted more than to be a mother and I pray every night this will work. Thanks for listening, you have no idea how much relief writing this brought me, even if noone reads it. Fingers crossed that after I have the procedure I will be able to conceive.


Hopefulholly24 - April 16

Hello I am also new on here... I have been all over the Internet trying to find a site where I could express my feelings and share with women who would understand my frustration and sadness. I've read most of the posts prior to mine and found most of them encouraging and I want to thank this site for that, as in my everyday life things are less than encouraging... So here's my start similar to most of yours, my husband and I have been TTC for just over a year, I'm 28, ha the initial blood test done, seems that I'm ovulating so that's a good thing and my husband had his semen analysis and that came back as he has a normal sperm count, so now I'm scheduled to have a HSG test this Tuesday and I'm very nervous, not so much because of the pain (in my opinion any pain is well worth it if I am able to get pregnant) but more for the fact that as much as I'm trying not to, I'm getting my hopes up and my biggest fear is getting let down. Mostly because then what?? Am I going to spend the rest of my life trying so desperately to get pregnant and having to go through aggravation and pain and let downs again and again while getting pregnant seems to happen do easily for other women?? There is nothing I have ever wanted more than to be a mother and I pray every night this will work. Thanks for listening, you have no idea how much relief writing this brought me, even if noone reads it. Fingers crossed that after I have the procedure I will be able to conceive.


PreahPassions - April 16

Hey hopefulholly, I know ur exact feeling. Am 23 and my husband is 27 and he thinks getting pregnant is a trip to the store. He doesnt realize that I have been going to the doctor for 6 months but with no avail. He has also had his sperm checked and he's good. It's so frustrating every month when my pd shows its ugly face; or doesnt and am not pg. I have very irregular pds so it's so confusing. I think the Hsg does work so am getting busy very often.... Wish me Luck... Baby dust to all!!!!


Hopefulholly24 - April 16

PreahPassions, all my luck and prayers that you and your husband are successful and you have a healthy happy pregnancy. Keep positive thoughts, though it's probably really hard for you to do just like it is for me, but positive thoughts make for positive outcomes :) Best of luck to you. Keep me updated.


BSOTO0521 - April 16

I am the same as most of you... been trying for 4 years... I go in for HSG on the 19th... I have been told that it will help open me up. blood checked and everything came back good. Hubby's sperm was checked and they said he was really good. we are just not sure why it isn't happening.... I hope this really works and hope you all get you dream of having babies! Baby dust to us all! Thanks


BSOTO0521 - April 16

I am the same as most of you... been trying for 4 years... I go in for HSG on the 19th... I have been told that it will help open me up. blood checked and everything came back good. Hubby's sperm was checked and they said he was really good. we are just not sure why it isn't happening.... I hope this really works and hope you all get you dream of having babies! Baby dust to us all! Thanks


Nikki101 - April 18

I know exactly how you all feel,i have been trying for over a year almost 2yrs now. Just keep your hopes up ladies i know it gets hard but all we can do is pray. I will be starting ivf in the fall if nothing happens before. Babydust to all.


lovemuffin0424 - April 19

Hi everyone!!i last wrote in January saying i had a hsg on January 7th and on Feb.1st had my first positive pregnancy test. Well it is now 3 months later and i am still pregnant but if you remember my story i had the case where i had 3 miscarriages and 2 stillbirths back to i am getting kind of close to that time when i had my stillbirths so i am praying everything goes good..cause i feel like i wont be able to handle another stillbirth so i would not try to get pregnant again....


Jess1782 - April 19

Think positive lovemuffin!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! We have had 2 misscarriages now. All happened within 3months of having the hsg done. Now nothing. Its so frustrating. My doc told me there was no need to do another since I did get pregnant. Not sure what to do now but keep trying. We have been trying for over 2yrs now.


TaeL - April 24

Hello. I am 32 and due for my HSg 4/26/12. I am reading all the post and they are giving me hope. Im just a little worried about the pain from the procedure.



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