Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Nikki101 - March 13

Yeah, somtimes it does make me depressed when i look at toys and stuff in the store but i guess it depends on what mood im in when i go to the store.I'm so hopping the time come for us.


udbe2 - March 13

I haven't been on here for a while but just wanted to mention what my doctors did find out about my infertility. Been TTC for over 16 years with no kids and been pregnant 8 times only to loose the pregnancy in the first trimester each time. They found out that I have celiac disease which can cause you not to get pregnant and when you do it will cause miscarriages. You might want to get the doctor to test for it or go gluten free if you are like me who loves pasta.


Nikki101 - March 13

udbe2 sorry to hear that, if you don't mind me asking can you tell me more about the disease? How do you deal with going through this from day to day?


udbe2 - March 13

Nikki, I found out due to each time I would eat pasta or anything that had wheat my stomach would get bloated and I would be in a lot of pain. I thought it was normal or that I had IBS. I was talking with another lady and mentioned what I was going through and she told me to look into celiac disease. When I did I spoke to my doctor about it and they told me to try being gluten free for a while. Like I said, I love pasta but if it causes me that much discomfort than I figured I better live without it or eat the gluten free pasta. My diet had to change due to being gluten intolerant but I've noticed a lot of changes within one month. Before I was always uncomfortable and when it came to ovulation my CM wasn't right but it has changed this month. I eat more salads and just try to stay away from wheat products. I'm up there in age so I'm hoping that this works but I figured that I would mention it for the younger women in here so they may have a chance to have a child. It's tough being in an office with 500+ people and everyone around you getting pregnant left and right but I just tend to tune them out when they start going on about being pregnant.
I've been through 4 HSG's and 2 laproscopic surgeries for endometriosis. The doctors chalked me up as unexplained infertility with no chance of IVF due to not being able to carry past 12 weeks. I'm praying that this was the answer to the infertility. I did find out that many doctors do not even think to test for celiac disease when a woman has had multiple miscarriages or even unexplained infertility.


Nikki101 - March 13

So sorry to hear that when i read your story my heart dropped, but keep the faith there is nothing impossible with God.I'm going to do a lot of research about that disease, the reason why DH and i having problems are becuase of low sperm count so hopefully sumday one will make it to the finish line. I know how you feel about everyone else around you are pregnant. Just keep the faith though, babydust.If you need sum1 to talk to i am always available to talk with you because i know infertility can be tough at times.


udbe2 - March 13

I'm sorry to hear that. Have you looked into doing IUI which now a days it is pretty cheap compared to a long time ago? We even had the blood clotting disorder checked out, chromosome disorders pretty much everything and we figured that we would be childless but hopefully this works out. I used to hate when it would come to when AF was due. I would pray that she would never show and each month would be so disappointing. After a while the test and home test got so expensive we just stopped trying for almost 2 years now. Yes to answer the question from way above.... my husband and I grew apart for a while when we were going to specialist and it seemed like it was a chore so we just stopped so that things wouldn't end for us. There was a few times when he would get mad when I did get pregnant and things would start to fail that he would blame me and say some pretty harsh things. After we stopped trying things did get better because we didn't focus on just that but just started to have fun.

Have you guys looked into why DH may have low count? Mine has diabetes and it effected him a bit but once we got his blood sugar under control he is normal now.


Nikki101 - March 14

I have tried one cycle of iui and it dnt work do I just haven't tried another round, I hate when my AF come also. No we haven't checked for why it is low we just assumed because he use to take really hot showers when he use to work off shore but I really don't know. Ima try to no focus on a baby so much n just enjoy my hubby tho. Baby dust


mndpnd92 - March 14

Just an update I had a doctor appt with my infertility specialist on 3/13/12. She did an xray and checked the sized of my eggs. On each side I had about 10 eggs the largest was about 12mm. I was told eggs grow about 1-2 mm per day so I have another appt scheduled for tomorrow 3/15 to see if it has grown to 16mm. If so my doctor is goign to give me some type of injection which will make me very fertile for the next three days. We are also going to try the IUI method. Have never tried this before but just this month we have had our first clomid cycle, and hsg, and now an IUI. We are really hoping with all of these efforts that this could be the month. Has anyone has an IUI? If so can you relay your experience so I can get a little more information of what to expect.


udbe2 - March 14

I haven't done IUI since I miscarry each time I get pregnant but I have done the clomid. Most likely your doctor is going to give you a shot of HCG. The HCG shot is a trigger shot which will make the eggs release when they want them to release which is normally that day up to 3 days after the shot.
I'm confused why your doctor did an xray though mine normally does ultrasounds to record the size of the eggs and uterine lining.


mndpnd92 - March 14

I am sorry if I confused you by saying xray I really meant and ultrasound.Thanks for the informaiton on the hcg.


Nikki101 - March 14

I have done an IUI before the procedure didn't last long at all. After collecting DH sperm dey do a sperm wash, then the nurse check to see if it's enought good sperm to continue and everything then she takes a cather and insert the sperm in the uterus. It only takes about 5 minutes its not painful. Afterwards later on in the day you may notice spotting and a little cramping so you may want to wear a pantiliner afterwards. Gudluck


mndpnd92 - March 16

So i went into the doctor on 3/15/12 to see if my eggs were growing when I went in on 3/13 the largest egg I had was 12mm when I went in on 3/15 my largest egg was 18mm so they are growing and she was looking to see if it reached 16mm. They said it was a good sign that it grew to 18 and that I would O the next day or so and they felt it was not neccessary to give me the HCG shot. Also I was going to do the IUI but the doctor is confident that I may not need it so I have another appt on 3/17 to see if the sperm is swimming up or not. If not my doctor is going to go ahead and do a IUI as well this cycle to give me the best chances. I really hope this works fr me and my husband. We have been waiting for what seems as forever! Baby dust to all. Look forward to hearing about everyones updates.


Nikki101 - March 18

Gudluck keep us posted


lisa2012 - March 21

hi ladies ,i see have missed out on alot.i have been so busy with assignment lately.anyways here is my update:i ovulated last week am not sure when cause i had o-pain on three different days,but am not sure if we bd enough cause hubby felt so much pressure with me ordering him to bed anytime i felted a am on cd 20,af is due on the 1 april(aprils fools) really trying hard not to think too much about it and just wait and see what happens.mndpnd92 i also had hsg ,and took clomid 100 mg this cycle.i will pray that will do the trick for both of us.


Nikki101 - March 22

how is everything mndpnd92? Just an update from me trying natural and taking clomid didn't work for me this cycle so im just going to keep trying just natural until the fall and if nothing happens im going to start the IVF cycle. wish me luck, babydust to all.


mndpnd92 - April 3

So disappointment kicks in once again when i got my period on 4/2/12. I was really hoping that the HSG and the clomid would do the trick for me but guess not. When I went in twice they only found one good sperm so that is our new concern. I have an appt tomorrow 4/4 to get an untrasound done because we are now looking into IUI to hopefully do the trick. As well as we are going to do a sperm analysis for my husband for more then just one reason. He has a daughter....or so we thought and we have been paying child support for over a year now but if his sperm count is low we may have to do some additional testing to see if that really is his daughter or not. My doctor is telling me that the IUI is $298 plus my $50 co-pay each time I go. It seems as the more we try the more expensive it gets :/ definetly the hard part.Does anyone have an insurance that covers some of these things or atleast a better insurance then what I have. Any suggestions would really be helpful. Good luck to everyone!



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