Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Julie - July 25

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over 2 years now. I had an HSG done on July 7th. All our tests came back normal, including the HSG - no blockage. My question is: my period usually only lasted four days - heavy the first day, then lighter for three days. Today I started my period and in less than two hours, I went thru a tampon and a pad! (I was concerned I was going to be a little heavier since I was cramping horribly this morning). I am a little concerned. I have never gone thru a tampon and a pad in less than two hours! Any advice?


Mer1970 - July 25

I did get pregnant on the third month following the HSG three years ago, but unfortunately I lost the baby. I had another HSG done today and I hope to get pregnant once again.


Wendy - July 26

im a mother of 4 son's the last one is 8 yr's old not at age 38 trying one more time for a girl but cant get pergnant how come baan trying for 1 yr


Johanna - July 26

Hello Julie. I had the same problem after my HSG. Last month was my first period after my HSG and I cramped so bad I thought I was addicted to Pamprin. I cramped so bad and the worst part I stayed on my period for 8 day. I also always last 4 days no now i dont even know when im ovulating. and those were the worse 8 days of my period that I had evcer had. I hope I get pregnant because if I have to endure another 8 day period im going to take off work. Well I wish you luck and you will get thru this as i did. And I wish you and i both get pregnant soon.


Sandy - July 27

Yes-My husband and I were trying to conceive for over a year. Exactly one week after an HSG test (which showed NO blockage) I was pregnant. I'm now having trouble conceiving again, It's been almost a year, I'm planning on going back for another HSG.


kris - July 27

my first period afer the HSG test was much longer and heavier than normal also. My cramps were a little worse, but I have Endo, so they're always pretty bad. This is the second month now and i'm due in about 10 days. Wish me luck. Baby dust to all!!


Nikki - July 27

Thanks to all of you who have posted your experiences in TTC. I felt all alone out there until I read your stories. I'm 36 and have been TTC for almost a year. My husband's count was normal which of course is always good news. I have my first HSG scheduled for 7/29 (a day before my first wedding anniversary) and am nervous about the pain but hear it could be worse. My dr is putting me on clomid next month if nothing happens after my HSG. I was told because I'm slightly worried about this procedure that in addition to taking 600-800 mg of Mortin prior to the test an anti-anxiety pill (xanax) might help. Crossing my fingers all will go well. Best wishes to all of you for your courage and patience. Good luck to everyone!


Nikki - July 27

New to this HSG procedure, does anyone know if it's safe to have intercourse a couple days prior to an HSG? Thanks for the information. Good luck to all TTC.


H - July 28

This is for Nikki - My Dr. Told me that I should not have IC for 48 hours before the HSG. The only thing is that I'm not sure that 48 hours is standard or if it was because it was getting closer to my ovulation time and he wanted to make sure that I wouldn't be pregnant prior to having it done. Hope this helps !! This is the first month after HSG and I am still waiting for my period. It's due on Sun. hopefully it will not show up !! Baby dust to all !!!!!


Nikki - July 29

H~ Thanks for your input. My husband had the same thought and also wanted everything to be at it's strongest when I ovulate which is a couple days after my procedure tomorrow morning. Hoping for as little pain as possible and open tubes. Crossing my fingers for good news for you on Sunday. Let me know how things go. Thanks again.


Jen - July 29

Okay the HSG thing worked!!! I had my HSG 6/13, and I got PG 7/3!!! BFP last Tuesday:)



H - July 29

Congratulations JEN !! You give us all hope !!! Hi Nikki - Praying that everything went well for you this morning. Let us know ! I actually got my period this morning a couple days early. I think the HSG (had mine on 7/12) must have changed my cycle a little - I also didn't have any cramps like I usually do every month. Oh well, I have two more months to keep trying. I keep telling myself that God knows the right time and it just isn't now. Anyway - keeping a good outlook !! Maybe August will be my month !! Praying for all TTC !!!


baby girl - July 29

Well I see I'm not the only women going though this but I wish so many of us wasnt. Its like a raw deal the one's who doing it the right way getting married and then have kids end up with no luck! I been trying for a year and I decide to go and have the hsg test done my appointment is Aug.5 so hopeful everything goes good so I can start me family that I been praying so hard for but I'm not giving up faith cause I know GOD will make it happen.

Has anybody had luck after the test and when should u try ????.PLEASE HELP


Anna - July 29

Have a question. I had HSG done today at the hospital, they gave me sedative and I was sleeping during the procedure, so don;t remember anything. The hospital papers say that I can't have sec for 2 weeks after procedule, my O is in 4 days...How soon can you ttc after HSG?


Nikki - July 29

H~ Did you take any HPTs? I hear that the HSG can mess up your cycle one way or the other. Some women get what looks like their period but ended up pg, that's why I asked if you took any tests. Are you on Clomid? Let me know, you're in my prayers for Aug. My test went well for the most part. My cervix was real tight so my dr had to dilate it so that's what caused most of the pain but she said that it looked my tubes were both open so that was good. I have very mild cramping now that the procedure is over and felt instantly better when she was finished. Everyone is right, the pain really only lasts a couple minutes. I heard (not from a dr) that most womens cervixs are not so "closed" or "tight" and that it might contribute to having a harder time TTC. Does anyone know anything about that? Could it be true? As anyone gotten pg after being told their cervix was "tight" and having an HSG? As in my case now that my cervix was dilated, could it be easier TTC? Thanks for the information. Babygirl~ Good luck to you on Aug 5. I'll keep you in my thoughts. Let us know how it goes. I should be ovulating this weekend and due for my period around Aug 15th. If nothing happens this month, I'm on to Clomid for my next cycle. Crossing my fingers. More Baby Dust to ALL...Hang in there Ladies! Think Positive Thoughts. It'll happen.


Nikki - July 29

Anna~ I took a "xanax" (an anti-anxiety pill) about an hour and a half before my test today (although, I didn't sleep at all through it and remember everything even the pain, ha ha) I asked my dr before the test when I could start TTC again and she told me "right away". I was never told to "wait" at all before having sex after the HSG. Since I ovulate within the next two days or so, I'm going for it. Maybe there was a reason your dr told you that. But from what I read some drs tell you to wait (due to possible infection) and others say you don't have to wait. I think it just depends on the dr and their school of thought or on the individual patient. I would check with him or her again and see, especially if you don't want to lose out on this month's ovulation. From what I read (especially on this web site) most women go for it and don't wait since many have said they got pregnant a week after the HSG. I'm obviously not a dr but since mine didn't say "not to have sex" I'm going to be trying tomorrow. Good luck to you. Let me know what you find out.



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