pregnancy after c section
3 Replies
victoria - March 13

i'm curious about something i had my son 2 years ago via c section, i had a misscarriage about a month prior to his fiance and i have been trying for about 8 months now and still no dice i was just wondering if its harder for me to conceive again because of the c ection??? somebody please answer


Myra - March 13

you I have been wondering the same thing. I have a 2yr old and my husband and I are trying to concieve again. I had a misscarriage about 6 months ago, I would say that I was about 6 weeks pregnant. I wish I knew thw answer to this question also.


luna - March 13

Some women find it hard to full pregnent after a c section this is because of the scar tissue I was told this by my doc. I had a C section nearly 5yrs ago. I tried to concieve like you ladies 2yrs after. It took me a yr to full pregnant unfortunatley It was ectopic and I lost tube and baby. I've now been trying for another 2yrs still no joy. GOODLUCK.


Myra - March 14

I have not had a period since december. I thought that I was pregnant because all the signs pointed to yes, but several HPT's have proven negative. It took two months before I got a positive with my daughter so I thought that this was the case. Im thinking about going to my gyn. and asking for clomid. Im so scared because I heard that it is possible to have twins or more with colmid. I don't want another c-section, but I do so desparately want another baby. I was the only child and I don't want my daughter to be. Any advice?



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