2 Replies
jo - January 31

can somebody pls explain about the laprascopy, my doc advised me to do that, i am afraid whether it hurts so badly need somebodys advice.


Sonya - January 31

I had this done in October for endometriosis. The only pain I had was due to the gases they pump into you to expand your abdomen. The gases have to escape your body and mine happened through my right shoulder. Horrible pain, but overall went away in about three days and if it gets rid of endo pain-well worth it.


TJ - February 6

Hi Jo
I have had 2 Laps in the past three years. Like you I was afraid. I had a friend who went through this surgery about two years before I did and was back to work the next day. I was not so lucky. Due to the doctors findings I had to have more than just the endometriosis removed. One surgery was more painful than the other, but as Sonya said, they were worth the pain and discomfort to be pain free for a while. Keep us informed.



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