I am trying to have a baby since more than one year now, I made and my husband all the hormone tests and the Echo and ...etc and everything is very normal, in feb 05 i was pregnant for less than 10 days and then i had a miscarriage. recently, i am fed up and i want to take fertility pills or what's soever. My doctor is reluctant but i am not, i started even reading about Chlomid so i can buy it myself. I am really fed up. by the way I am 35 years old woman so it is about time. it is even a bit late.
you may want to consider a clomid challenge test. i really recommend some reading first. I am assuming you have all of your blood work done too? I learned the hard way the order i should have approached things. the first month of infertility diagnistics i should have done an HSG, husband have a semen analysis, and have had my blood work done as follows: Cycle day 3 FSH, LH, and Estradiol, Cycle day 6 or 7 FSH, LH, Estradiol, cycle day 10 FSH, Day 21 progesterone. The 2 Doctors' i have seen at 2 different practices seem do not prioritize blood work, which may be the case with a lot of docs now. I however think it is imperative in order to fully asses the effectiveness of the full female cycle. My only experience with bloodwork has been that of a clomid challenge test which is fine, but they had no baseline on which to compare my performance. Also, i should not that they incorrectly submitted my request for blood work which made the results useless. you hopefully will not have to go through this chaos. :) anyway, look in to the CCT. here is a link to some good info i found after the fact.
if you do a lot of these things in the beginning that will really help direct the care for the months to come. I can not emphasize enough how important it is for you to do your research before seeking care concerning infertility. I hate to be preachy, but i learned the hard way. Much luck to ya! hope this helps some. also, a lot of folks recommend a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"
i should add that you may want to have a more thorough diagnostics done for your luteal phase. it is possible that low progesterone may have caused your miscarriage. it is often associated with miscarriages. BTW, it is appearing like that is my problem area, low progesterone...which is supposedly easy to fix. hang in there.
I have some info that may be helpful to you. I couldn't get preg for 2 1/2 years until I heard about a natural supplement formulated by a nutritionist and ordered them and was preg in 2 1/2 months. I will be happy to email you the info if you would like it. You can email me at [email protected].
Hey there - I'm 35 too and no child. Married 16 years. I'm trusting that I will concieve as well. Just keep the faith! :)