I also have high prolactin (20.1) and have been taking bromo x2 daily for 1 week now. I had a negative mri. How long does it take to start getting regular periods? I want to get pregnant and hope this does the trick. How low does the level have to be in order to get pregnant? hope someone can help. thanks.
is ur level high ?/?? as my doc told me less than 23 is normal. i have level 27 i am on dostinex for 1 month . This time after taking dostinex i didnt have pain during my periods as i usually had .. i hope medicine will help me getting pregoo
well...my doc/lab says normal prolactin is 3.0-18.6 and mine was 20.1 at timeof test....he said it really should be below 15 or 16 to be optimal for ovulating/pregnancy. I have been having irregular periods since being off the pill and all of my other hormone levels were normal except for the prolactin. I want to get pregnant and hope the parlodel does the trick. I wonder how long it will take? Everyone says relax-----easier said then done!!
yeh i know we all want to get pg soon ,but dont know when will GOD bless us our bellies....
i am on dostinex (cabergoline) its 1 month and now started for 2 month ,i hope it will work
Hi Ladies! I thought I share my story with you. In 2004, I was on the pill, on the day AF was suppose to appear, it did not happen. As I was very regular, I told my husband, I think I am pregnant. For 2 weeks, I did a pee test...all negative..So I opted to see my doctor and requested a blood test. The blood test came negative and the doctor advised me that my prolactin level is high. I advised him, if that is why I started to lactate. He said possibly but wanted me to do a CT Scan, to be sure...I advised him, I am seeking a second opinion...I sought a another opinion a week later...did another blood test........and I was PREGGIE!!! The HCG level was sooo high that the doctor thought I was 4 months pregnant..Went for an U/S and I was 5 weeks pregnant. We had a beautiful girl, so is now 22 months. We have been TTC # 2 for 10 months but no luck yet.
which pill u r taking about? Contraceptive or dostinex ....???/
did u had high prolactin level?i hope to hear from u soon
I was on the birth control pill-triphasil to be exact... We were married only 3 months and were not trying.....but when I noticed no period at alll....then when I went to get a second opinon, on that day... I had implantation bleeding and I continued to lactate....when they told me that I was pregnant...I was worried about the high prolactin levels...they said it is normal when you are pregnant for your first ...a prolactin allows you to lactate to prepare fot he baby...eventually the levels went down to normal... I was monitored throughout the pregnancy....for other reasons (in third trimester)
thanx for the info...
hi jasmine any thing new to share.....
jlp2778 be in contact as i am also on medicine we shud be ib touch.....mihka
I am on parlodel 1.25 mg x twice daily. and you? its only been 2 weeks and I can't complain about the side effects. I am just hoping and praying this does the trick. what was your level? and did you have an mri? I just found out my best friend is pregnant for the third time and I feel awful that I am jealous. It seems like everywhere I turn someone is pregnant and its not me. I know my time will com but its hard. Let me know about your situation. jess
my doctor still didnt called me yet for my test result. i still didnt get my period i was waiting 23th of march today is march 26th lets see if its late or i am pregnant. if i am not pregnant i will start to use clomid this month. i will let you know as soon as i got some answer.
hi jess...well my level is 26 ..i am on dostinex .i had for 4 weeks but not get preg..had my periods ..then i started it again my Re told to have it till u get pregnant. Actually we r ttc 11 mths and everymth i feel like failure... everyone is getting preg.my sister not trying for baby got pregnant she is due in july
hoping to hear from u some good news...best of luck
I know how you feel. Are your periods regular? were they before you started the dostinex? mine were not regular since being off bcp (7/05)...the last 2 cycles were 43 days long!! I am hoping that the parlodel helps soon. my doc said my level should normalize within a few weeks and cycles should regulate within a few months. a few months seems like a decade to wait but I have decided to just trust my faith and keep praying. let me know more about your situation---its nice to have someone in the same boat!! take care---jess
yeh my periods were normal before dostinex and even now they r ...i know this medicine will help in regulating ur periods...Actually my story is like that had my all test and was normal went to see my Re after 10 mths and she did my tests and find out the problem... i felt so bad that my gynec never had my prolactin checked...if she had i shudnt have to wait for so long but i think its in my Fate
even i am praying to God every day ..i know how it feels ...every mth...
But i believe in God ,HE will listen to Us one day
ho'z everyones prolactin level? this is my 2mth on cabergoline ...not pg yet ...please be in touch to give each other moral support