how much time(months ) it takes to low down the prolactin level.i have prolactin level of 26 , i am taking dostinex one tab. in a week, its my 2 week of taking it ,do u think i will get pregn soon or i will have to take dostinex for few more months...
it will go down very soon . my prolactin level was 33 one month ago now it was go down to 10. i hope we will get preg soon. yours is so low but still has to go down 10 or lover than that. dont vorry about it.
thanx for the info. ...
Jasmine did u went for u blood work to check ur levels after 4 weeks ?
hey there- it's been a little while since I've written. Unfortunately, I didn't fall pregnant this month- AF showed up on Sunday night. I meet with my doctor tomorrow morning to see what the next step is or if we just keep trying the parlodel and IUI. Good luck to everyone! Brooke
my next appointment is march 16 they will check my prolactin level again. i will let you know the results
my prolactin level was 33 after one month it was go down to 10 i hope march 16 it will go lover than 10 because i am using bromo everyday since 2 month i didnt even skip one day.
if you have any question please feel free to ask.
I am feeling down today- I had a doctor appt and I am having my prolactin checked again next Friday- along with an ultrasound to check my follicles for this next IUI. I feel like my doctor really has no idea what our problem is- and he's just throwing out things. He's like the best infertility doctor in our area- but he's very business like and doesn't say positive things- even though I guess it's best to not get false hope. : ( Still taking parlodel- he says if it doesn't happen after two more cycles of IUI, then he would want to do a laprascopy- that scares me to death. Anyone out there have it done? Brooke
Hi ladies. I was just wondering if any of you have ever had a problem with producing milk before. I had a miscarraige in January 2005 and in August 2005 I started producing breast milk and I still have it to this day. It isn't leaking. but it is there. but my doctor said my prolactin levels are ok. I had to take progesterone in february this year to see if i would bleed because I didn't have a period for december 05 and january. I just don't understand if all that is tied in together or what. I am not on birth control and my boyfriend is not using anything but the pullout method, but i am not pregnant. My doctor wants to put me on birth control to regulate my period, but i don't know what to do. If you ladies have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. and bciervo i have had a diagnostic laparoscopy done and it isn't that bad. they put me too sleep when i had mine done and it was done as an outpatient surgery.
Nicole- milk in the breasts and no period usually is a sign of high prolactin. What was your level? Doctors use different scales but my doctor says anything over 16 is elevated. Mine was 29.5 and I got it down to 5.9 in 4 weeks. However, I didn't have a loss of period or milk in the breasts- I believe that happens when it's quite higher. I'm still learning about all of this- but I don't know what to say if your level is normal- maybe request to have it checked again? Good luck. and thanx for the info regarding the lap!
I had to go through D&C after six weeks of pregnancy. after the D&C, I found out that I was having discharge from both my breasts. I went for blood work and found out that my prolactine was 29.2. MRI was recommend to rule out pituitary tumor. The discharge was tested for any kind of cancer. came back negetive. Result came negitive. Than I was to go through all kinds of blood work. My TSH was normal, my last estrogin level was 175 and progesterone was 8.5, prolactine 5.2. I start Dostinex at .25 mg/2xweek. I was still having discharge. A month and half later, the dose was increased .05 mg/2xweek. Did not help. Now I am taking 1.0 mg/2xweek. I have been on it for the second week. The problem still there. I have not had my period since my dnc. Almost ever month I go through this pain like I was going to get my period. It has been disappointing hope. My OG thinks it is because of cysts busting. My questions are, am I ovulating; will I get pregnant if I tried with out my period and still have discharge from my breast; will IVF help with clomid even if you don't have your period; what is the longest time that some one has been on dostinex and no period?????
I have a high prolactin level (40). Doctor has adviced me to take Cabergoline. I have started it from Jan 2006 and continuing it till date. How long will it take for me to be pregnant
i also have high prolactin mine is 33 now it was down to 10 which is almost a normal level. My doctor told me that it will take 6 months to get pregnant but it doesnt mean that i will get pregnant right now as long as you have a normal prolactin level i hope everyone get pregnant soon.
Just wanted to let you know that I have been following everyone's answers for a year and finally have some good news! I had high prolactin, a prolactinoma and have been on Dostinex for 6 months. This month with the help of clomid and artificial insemination I am now pregnant!! So it can happen and don't give up hope. It took me over a year to get pregnant and I highly recommend A/I with Clomid after stabilizing prolactin with dostinex...it works!!
any good news to share?
did ur level comes down ?
i didnt get test result yet i my doctor will call me when he calls i will let you know right away. He also gave me clomid this month i am starting hopefully i will get pregnant.it canbe take 1 month to 6 mont to get pregnant with clomis if your prolactin level normal.this time if my prolactin level is lover that 10 i will start to take half bromo not full tablet when i learn that i am pregnant i will stop taking it right away.
for now its like that everyone get pregnant soon.
i am very hapy for you. i have a question howmany months later your prolactin go down to normal level? how much was your prolactin level? when did you start taking clomid and howmany months di you use clomid? sorry i thing i asked tomany qustions.
I also have high prolactin (20.1) and have been taking bromo x2 daily for 1 week now. I had a negative mri. How long does it take to start getting regular periods? I want to get pregnant and hope this does the trick. How low does the level have to be in order to get pregnant? hope someone can help. thanks.