Erin3015, I didn't think you were negative in any way. I agree with you 100%...I am now on day 11 piui....getting closer to knowing for sure. Chatting with you has made me feel a little more positive...(o:
Do the doctors think you will make it to 40 weeks ?
I'm glad it's help to pass the time. Ugh the 2WW is the worst! I tested on day 12 and got a faint positive which I wasn't sure if it was still the trigger shot or an actual positive. I can remember trying not to get to excited, lol. My Dr. won't let me go past 38-39 weeks because of the twins so I am expecting they will be born in the next 4-6 weeks. That's the goal anyway, lol.
I tested on day 8 and again on day 10..it's so hard not to...both were BFN though. I am staying positive and know that if and when it is meant to be, it will be. AF is supposed to be here the 24th..I hope she knows she isn't welcome and stays away....(o:
I hear on some of the threads I read about women going in for b/w. My RE didn't say anything about that. He told me to just test at home and call them and let them know what the results are. I guess if I get a BFP they will have me come in and confirm it with b/w...
Those first days are so critical, so the good thing is the trigger shot is out of your system otherwise you would get a false positive. Hopefully day 13-14 will be good news, fingers crossed for you. As soon as I got my BFP I called my Dr.s office (RE) and made an appointment for BW. They take a blood sample and do beta numbers. They will confirm your pregnant and they might ask you to come back again a few days later to make sure the number is going up. As long as your numbers keep doubling/tripling every few days your good to go. You might want to ask if they do a progesterone test, or if they just prescribe it upfront. I didn't need it, but a lot of women do. Good luck!
I am starting to get AF type cramping but it's a little different. It's like a constant throbbing type cramp. I know the meds have a lot of side effects but they shouldn't be ones that mimic preg. or AF...lol...it's mean !! I got on another website and was reading IUI Success stories and have been happy to see all the BFP's. I love hearing good news !!
Thanks for thinking about me and if you can, cross your legs, eyes, fingers, toes, arms and tongue if you can...LOL...
carriebeth5379- I found out that I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and at age 20 and I will be 24 this Aug. I too wondered the same thing, why me? And how can this happen, I am still so young? And I still wonder why... I can't give you answers but I can give you hope :)After many attempts of timed intercourse and meds and one failed iui attempt with clomid, my dr decided to try femara. I had iui number 2 on march 24, 2010... 2 weeks later I tested and I got the BFP I was watitng for. Now I have a healthy happy 13 month old daughter. I am currently on progesterone patiently waiting for AF that way I can go back to the dr to do another IUI to try again :)
carriebeth5379- I found out that I had polycystic ovarian syndrome and at age 20 and I will be 24 this Aug. I too wondered the same thing, why me? And how can this happen, I am still so young? And I still wonder why... I can't give you answers but I can give you hope :)After many attempts of timed intercourse and meds and one failed iui attempt with clomid, my dr decided to try femara. I had iui number 2 on march 24, 2010... 2 weeks later I tested and I got the BFP I was watitng for. Now I have a healthy happy 13 month old daughter. I am currently on progesterone patiently waiting for AF that way I can go back to the dr to do another IUI to try again :)
lfisher2 - Thank you so much for your story - it gives me hope. I've been pretty discouraged recently. We have our RE consultation on Valentine's Day, so I'm excited about that. I am also having anxiety waiting for the appointment because I don't know what else he is going to want to test and how long it's really going to take to get the ball rolling on the IUI. Thanks again!
carrie- once we had all of our testing done, the dr went over all our results, it was about a week or 2 later, then he gave us options and said we could start as soon as there was an appt avail. We did a semen analysis (SA), hysteropingagram (HSG), blood work, & an ultrasound of the ovaries. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility and decided to do Clomid first, once that wasn't a success, we moved on to Clomid with IUI. My first IUI was unseccessful so I am now moving on to IUI #2. The only thing that I hate about the IUI is the 2 weeks afterwards you have to wait to see if it took.
Good Luck to you !!!
prayingforbaby2012 - I hope your upcoming IUI is successful!!! :) How long did it take to get an appointment for your first and second IUI? I have a million questions written down for the RE and it's killing me waiting!!!
CARRIE- THANKS !!! I am hoping this one is the one, too !! I met with my DR on Dec. 21st...he told me to call the office when I started my period which was the 28th..I started 100mg of Clomid the 3rd day of my period thru the 7th day and had an ultrasound on the 8th of Jan. (day 12 of my cycle), which was a Sunday. (Because the IUI has to be timed perfectly, your dr's office should be avail. on the weekends for u/s and IUI) My IUI was scheduled for the following day, the 9th and I was to test for preg. 2 weeks from then, which was the 23rd. But AF (Aunt Flow) came so there was no need to test. I called the DR's office and informed them I started my period and they scheduled me for another u/s in 10 days to see how many follicles I have and to see how big they are. If they like what they see, I do my trigger shot, which is a shot to start ovulation and then my IUI will be scheduled 24-36 hrs later. Because we live 45 min from the facility we go to do to the IUI, my husband collects his semen at home in the cup they provide and we take it to the facility. They "wash" it, which takes about an hour and then they do the insemination which takes about 10 min or so.
Thanks for sharing with me. I really hope this one works for you!!! My situation is a bit different because my period is so abnormal and therefore I ovulate infrequently. I actually just got my period today (ugh), but my last one was on November 6th. I wait 2-4 months for a natural period. Prior to that, I had to take Provera to get my period before starting Clomid. I didn't respond to the Clomid (50mg and 100mg) under the care of my OBGYN. I'm hoping the RE will not make me try another round since my Progesterone was ]1 with 100mg of Clomid. Not even close to Oing.
There are several medsications out there that can help your situation. Another one other than Clomid is Femara. Ihave heard quite a few success stories on that drug as well. Just be positive and don't be afraid to ask questions....(o:
I just went to the gyno today, and as a result of the increase in Clomid I have two big follicles!!! I recieved the HCG shot and all set for IUI tomorrow, I am excited, nervous, scared basically every emotion you can possible have. I am mainly nervous because of all the pain I had last time during the IUI, it hurt so bad and I lost alot of blood, but hopefully it goes better this time, any and all prayers are definetly needed.
Hi Everyone! I know everyone of us is praying to be a mother soon. DH and I just did our First IUI last January 30, 2012. I will go back on Feb. 13, 2012 for blood test. We're praying and hoping that our first time will be a success. I'll let you know/update when I get the result. I am perfectly normal and only DH is having a problem with his Low Morphology 2% and High FSH Level 10.6%. Here are our info:
DH profile:
Sperm Analysis: Pre Post
count = 52.5 million 24 million
motility = 60% 70%
progression = 2,3 3
Morphology = low low
ME (My Profile)
= 1 mature follicle 28mm
= Clomid 100mg Days 3-7
= Ultrasound January 29, 2012 + Trigger Shot in Belly (ouch!)
= IUI January 30, 2012
I will include you all in my prayers. Let's have faith that one day, in God's Perfect Time, we will also be a mother. God bless Us All. Baby Dust!************ :-)
Gudluck, I had did an iui an it dnt work, my hubby had a low sperm count I personally feel like iui are not for people's when its the male issue, but everyone Is different. I didn't give it another try after the 1st failed attempt, I'm just trying natural for a lil longer an if it dont happen within another year I'm moving straight to ivf. Gudluck