First month of Metmorfin/Glucophage XR
2 Replies
Gaby - June 6

This is my first month of going off the pill and having gotten on glucophage xr. I thought I was ovulating last weekend...(the 28th) which would be 18 days after I started taking it. (I have PCOS by the way which is why I was on the pill before.) Now that my dh and I are ttc it is killing me to wait until the 36 day cycle is up (which would be around June 16th. I am experiencing crazy symptoms and I am wondering if any one else out there is going through what I am going through...


Kate - June 7

What is the doseage that you are taking? Did your doc put you on a gradual increase to keep the side effects at a bare minimum? I, too, have PCOS and am ttc. I am on week 6 of Glucophage XR and am up to 1500 mg (2 weeks at 500, 2 weeks at 1000, and now at max). I am having bad headaches, nausea, and even dizziness. The doc said they'd go away shortly so I'm giving it a little longer before I cave in. She also told me the average amount of time it takes to get your cycles back to normal is 6 months! I also just finished Provera to jump start my period before I start Clomid. Good luck to to your doc about the side effects and make sure you're not starting too high, too quickly.


nadine - June 8

hi gaby,
i am on 850 met twice daily what symptoms are you exp?
pg symptoms?



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