I also have PCOS and do not ovulate, well did not ovulate until I started taking Clomid. The only side effect that I have had while taking Clomid is weight gain. That is about to tick me off! I am going to mention it to my doc when I go in to do my blood test this month. Not sure that she can do anything, but maybe there is something that can counteract it. Haven't had any side effects of being thirsty though. How many rounds of Clomid are you planning on taking before you go to shots and IUI?
Banaburay- Hey hey! Glad to hear that you are doing well and everything is going along smoothly :)
I ovulated last month but no AF, so the doc started me on Provera again....and then I will start my 3rd round of 50mg Clomid. I am really hoping that maybe by starting the Provera again, it will give me a higher chance of ovulating and possibly getting pregnant this month. Like every month, I am hoping this month is it! :)
Again, I am SUPER happy for you!!! Keep us updated on how your feeling and everything :)
Going to try this month then one more and go from there. Last month I got pretty nauseous and hot flashes this month no hot flashes but seriously thirsty. Hoping it's just normal side effects. Don't want the shots but will do what needs to be done!! Has your doc considered iui yet?? Apparently it's pretty successful with pcos. $$ though!
Oh I got the weight gain too! Lol
Angel - I'm with O-BABAY on this one, don't write clomid off yet. I Ovulated on it my first month but not my 2nd so they had to increase my dosage then I o'd at the higher dosage the first month but not the 2nd again. So now I'll be going into my 5th month but this time again at a higher dosage. That's the darn thing with PCOS is that you can build up a resistance to the clomid and have to keep increasing the dosage. You've only done one month, if I still have hope going into round 5 I hope that you can muster up some too for your round 2 :) Even though WAY easier said then done that's for sure!
O-BABY - That would be awesome if we both got preggers this month! We'd find out at pretty much the same time! My fingers are crossed I'm so ready for this all to be over with!
Babymoon - I have been insanley thirsty since on clomid as well. I drink way more water that I ever have before! My mouth gets super dry! I thought maybe I was just getting thirsty because of work (my job requires me talking 8 hours a day). But now that you've said that I'm glad I can attribute that to taking the clomid.
I also have gained 8 lbs since I started taking clomid 4 months ago, BUT this last week and a half I've been super strict about what I've been eating and I've actually lost 2 lbs. I'm hoping to lose the other 6 either before I get pregnant in April (lol wishful thinking) or before bathing suit season starts . . . which ever happens first. I've noticed though since on clomid if I even cheat for one day that I gain weight, so it takes a lot of motivation but I'm hoping by losing the weight I've put on that it'll help my insulin levels which is what can make us woman with PCOS resistant to the clomid. So I guess I only have the motivation to do it because I'm hoping it helps our baby making process.
banaburay - So glad your pregnancy is going well so far! Keep us updated! I'll give you a brief little history of what's been going on with me. I got an HSG test done earlier this month (my tubes flushed out) and just found out this past weekend that I didn't ovulate from the clomid so they're increasing my dosage for round 5. I see my fertility dr. tomorrow. I just wanted to touch base with him before I start month 5 and 6 and get the results from my HSG. Also I want to ask him what the plan of action will be if I'm not pregnant after month 6. I have a feeling we'd be moving onto IUI so I'll find out tomorrow! I'm hopeful though that I'll be pregnant before we have to go to IUI though, which means I'd fall pregnant in the next two months! Here's to hoping!
Also because I know that I've been building a resistance to clomid and I've had to have it increased after every other month, he is putting me on 150mg this month but I'm going to ask him for month 6 if I can automatically go to 200mg so that I'm not wasting a month before we go to IUI. I'll have to wait and see what he says I guess.
Obaby and babymoon- I too get seriously thirsty when in Clomid. It's annoying.
Hopefullysoon- let's hope this month brings some ovulation your way.
This past weekend confirmed that my IUI/clomid combo failed, as AF appeared Sat. Yesterday I was given my results, that I do have an aneurysm, but it does not appear to be in my brain. I have to have another test done to confirm it's where the neurosurgeon thinks it is, in my caverna sinus- the area in front of my brain but behind me eyes and nose, specifically my left eye. IN the meantime, my fertility doctor is putting the pause on clomid and IUIs for this month due to all of the other testing... yeesh. If the aneurysm is where they think it is, it can't really be treated, just monitored. If it were to rupture, the results would not be nearly as scary as if it was in my brain.
How is everyone else?
Wow, that must be so stressful and scary! Hoping everything works out for you! I think it's a good idea to have a month off while they figure it out although not much fun for you :(
Not sure how much I've gained enough to make my jeans uncomfortable! Lol! I'm going to ask doc about metformin again if this month doesn't work and the weight gain increases!
Has anyone tried preseed? I read somewhere that thirst as a side effect MAY also mean CM issues, was thinking of giving that a go this month too. Anything to help them swim! :)
Two more days to go for me then the inevitable wait for lh!
Congrats! It's good to hear some good success stories! What dose did you use when you got pg?
Babymoon - me and my husband used pre-seed last cycle, but I didn't ovulate so it was a waste lol. But I like it and will definitely be using it again this cycle.
Its supposed to help balance your PH levels so your not killing off the sperm and also supposed to mock your fertile cm so I figure it's worth it! And it feels super natural!
I'm going to give it a go, can't hurt right?! It's 11am and I'm on my second bottle of water, hoping the thirst will stop once I stop taking the tablets else my weight gain might be purely water retention!
Babymoon - That's what I figure, there's no harm in using it so any chance that it might help is worth it! I couldn't find it in stores but I ordered mine online and got it within a week! They're pretty quick. And it was only $20 including shipping.
I know ANGEL is in south africa but where is everyone else located?
Yeah I also think it is probably a good idea to take a break, while they are doing other testing on you. I am so sorry to hear that you have to go through that. I hope that they are able to do get you healthy again. Prayers being sent your way.
Hey girl! what day of Provera are you on again? I can't remember how many days apart we are. :) Not too much longer and we hopefully have AF, and then we can start our Clomid! And then....HOPEFULLY we will become PREGNANT ALREADY!!!! =)
Good morning all!
I also put on weight and I’ve only been on one round of clomid, but then again… I have pcos so anything makes me put on weight.
Just had my appointment with the dietician, short and sweet, she asked a lot of questions, and said that losing weight with the pcos will be hard, and that I’m basically pre-diabetic, also she has bad IBS so she should be able to help me a lot… I’m quite positive, seeing her tomorrow again for an hour to get her assessment of me and the “diet” etc. I will have to just be strict and motivated with this, nothing like weight loss and healthy eating for pcos right… and fertility too hopefully.
Jac1019 – how are you feeling? Taking a break is awful and frustrating but hopefully just for a month.
Hopefullysoon – I hope the clomid works for us both next time around! I don’t really mind the dosage being increased after next month, my side effects are only hot flushes and I can live through those ?
Babymoon – I’ve been thinking about pre-seed too, well not sure where in SA I will get it but will maybe go ask a pharmacy… anything that gives a little extra help has to be worth it! Also keep drinking the water, apparently that is very good for CM too!
Also want to know where everyone else is located ?
I’m quite eager to get my blood test out the way on Sat, to see if I O’d or not… odd that this morning I had a high temp… not getting my hopes up as we had a very warm night last night so it could be that, and also being on CD27 if I O’d this late apparently egg quality is very bad and luteal phase too short. Doe anyone know how long you have to wait for the progesterone test , as mine is this Sat already even if I did ovulate it might not pick it up in time.
Have a great day all!
hi all. havnt been on in a while. see there,s a couple of newbies on here. welcome all. you,ll find lots of support with these gals. i did.
you,re wanting to know where we all are. im in south yorkshire, united kingdom. lovely sunny day today, although im stuck indoors off work with a bummer of a cold :( good news is ive recieved my first scan app. it,s on the 3rd may (12th week-ish)
to the new guys, i had been ttc for around 11 month. was lucky enough to fall pregnant in feb with first round of clomid 50mg. cd 2-6. well chuffed :) not be long and it,l be you lot pregnant soon, then we can all move to a new "baby" forum, and share our storys on morning sickness and swollen ankles, lol. all the best you guys for march/april. everything crossed for you xx xx
I just realized I asked everyone else where they are from and I neglected to tell you where I live. I'm in Vancouver, BC Canada.
O-BABY - I just took day 4 of provera . . . damn the 6 more days I have left! I wish it was already a week from today so I have AF and could get on with the next cycle.
I love it when people say "time is going by so fast" and I'm like NOPE, it couldn't go fast enough . . . right now that is. Once I'm pregnant it can slow back down if it likes lol!
Mumstheword - that's such good news to hear, my next cycle will be days 2 - 6
I'm SOOO confused, I have a really sore throat at the moment, I only ever get a sore throat a day before AF is due (I know its weird, but have been like this my whole life), so last month I had a perfect 28 day cycle without ovulation, tomorrow is CD28, so AF is possibly due again without ovulation. As my temps raised yest morning and today, is it possible to ovulate and AF to start 3 days later? Really sux as there is no time for implantation if we were successful :( But would be able to start my next 50mg at least then this weekend.. oh please let clomid work 2nd time around. I hate to think I might have ovulated on Monday and am getting my period so soon after...
Also, if my progesterone test is due on sat, do I cancel this if AF starts by then, I mean if would not be very useful to tell if I ovulated by then would it?