clomid and OPK
20 Replies
Jen - March 4

Michelle - Thanks. My cycles tends to be around 32 days. I also wanted to tell you that sex every other day is one of the tricks. It allows the sperm to build up again. Every day can sometimes lower the sperm count. Good luck!


michelle - March 7

my cycle is normally 23 - 25 days , had my scan its looks as if two follicles are formed and ready to release 2 eggs!
luna- i'm in the uk, i think it just depends on your situation, in my case i had eptopic with the last dose of clomid last year so maybe thats why i had scan to be on the safe side!


michelle - March 7

shan- i'm also getting lower back ache and cramps and pains in both ovaries, just like a constant ache..


Renee - March 8

I am on day 17 now. My ovulation tests have been negative for the past week, and my bbt just keeps going down. I'm starting to give up that my first round of clomid caused ovulation.


michelle - March 8

day 15 and my ovulation tests are still neg, one this morning was a borderline positive, scan yesterday showed 2 follicles! hopefully to release 2 eggs x



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