Cervical Mucus
4 Replies
Infertility - February 24

I think I am Ovulating but I do not see the egg white mucus. Am I still ovulating?


stacey - March 3

Is there white creamy mucus, that's also a sign.


Dominicsmummyuk - May 14

i think its possible your ovulating....not every woman will have egg white cm each cycle....so i say go for it...


Cutie - May 14

I also have white creamy mucus instead of egg white. I know I was ovulating because I used OPK and also I felt like it. Good Luck dear


tabitha - May 15

is it possible if you have sex for 2 weeks everyday before you were to start ovulating that you would become pregnant before you started ovulating i always get that egg white and this month i didnt get it



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