2 Replies
CRYSTAL - April 20

I am having pains in my stomach, kind of like gas pains. I am on day 23. Is this to early to be having pregnancy symptoms. Or do you think this is pain coming from ovulation???? I am on metamorphine and just finished my first cycle of clomid.


Meredith - April 20

If you ovulated around CD 14 or so, then I guess it would be conceiviable (pun?) that it could be a pregnancy sign. I've heard stomach pains & gas pains are pretty common in pregnancy, though it you are pregnant it's pretty early. Unfortunately too early to test. Good luck, I hope it's a good sign. Keep me posted. By the way, I'm supposed to get a script for Clomid when I go back to my dr. on 4/29. What's been your experience on your first month?


Crystal - April 20

Meredith, I really havent had a side effects while taking the clomid. I could tell a difference. I went to the dr on Monday 18th to see if I ovulated. The dr is suppose to call me back today or tomm. So we will see. I am hoping for a baby!!!!!



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