2 Replies
smp - April 26

I have been trying to get pregnant for a year. The new ob/gyn decided to do some blood work on me since my cycles have been all over the place and i also had a problem with a cyst in january and had to take provera to enduce a period. SHe told me that results indicated that I have PCOS and at "pretty high levels" not sure what that means. She also said that I did not fit the norm of people with PCOS. SHe did explain that my ovaries are not producing eggs regularly. So i decided to go ahead and give clomid a try. Haven't started it yet because once again no period and on day 45 of cycle already took provera two weeks ago bc through US I was showing no signs of having a period soon. This time I didn't get a period. My dr decided to do a blood test and check if I could be pregnant. I would really like to hear back from others who have been in similiar situations or have pcos and have gotten pregnant.


RHolley - July 16

SMP - I have pcos and endometriosis. I've gotten pregnant twice, but M/C both very early. One at 7 1/2 weeks, one at 4 1/2 weeks. I am on metformin (everyday), serophene, like clomid (CD 2-6), Gonal-F injections (CD 8-11), and HcG to induce ovulation when my follicles are big enough (around CD 14). It worked but the pregnancy didn't hold because of low progesterone. Next time we will start progesterone gel a few days after ovulation. I have taken progesterone in pill form to start before and I started on CD 28. Good Luck.


tynadu - October 20

Hello Smp, I have PCOS as well and I went through the same thing. I even took provera twice in the same cycle and nothing. I decided that I could not wait any longer after my cycle lasted around 135 days and still no sign of AF. I went ahead and took my fermara(it's like clomid) and then it started the day I took my last pill. That cycle I O'ed but didn't get pregnant and when the next cycle started on its own it was very heavy and lasted about 8 days. Then I took my next round of fermara and got pregnant. I am now six months.



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