Kelly, what is your test day??? I always think it's interesting to feel something new. Maybe it's the one thing that will make a difference this cycle?
Hi Toni. I'm planning to test on 12 dpo (next wednesday). This is the earliest I can test without getting a false positive from the hcg shot. I never was one for waiting!;o) Well, my cramping that I was worried about is all but gone - yea! Yesterday my temps were kind of fluctuating, maybe I had a bug or something. Dh was sweet last night and made me veggie soup and cut up some pineapple. Can't wait to hear what you see at the u/s on Friday!!!!!!! Let me know if you have any new symptoms.
Kelly you are brave to test on 12 dpo. I waited till 14 because I was too afraid of being disappointed for an early bfn. Still no real symptoms except I can fall asleep really easily which is not usual for me!
I'm not all that brave, just impatient ;o) Friday is almost here girl!!! Just one more day and 9 hours!! Let the countdown to ultrasound begin...
One more day, and we get to see what your little bean looks like. I'm so excited for you!!!!! You will have to let me know what you see. For me, I'm nearing implantation time already (6dpo). Sometimes I think I feel stuff going on in there, but I think its just the building up of my lining from the progesterone. I feel 'full' all the time. I can't wait to hear about your u/s tomorrow!!!
Kelly, I feld "different" around implantation this time. Almost like cramps around 7dpo. Maybe this is a good sign for you? Can't wait till tomorrow. Thank goodness I have my book club meeting to go to so that I will be busy! I will post as soon as I can tomorrow.
The book club sounds interesting. My boss is a member of a book club and she just loves it. Well, girl, today is the day!!!! I'll be checking in all day today to see if you posted back about your u/s. Maybe you will see twins - okay, not likely, but that's one of the thoughts thats making me so excited for you!!! This morning my temp dropped 0.4 degrees all the way to the cover line. I'm a little worried because last night I was feeling like I was getting a cold or something, and this morning I felt really nautious. There have been several people here at the office that have gotten sick lately, so I sure hope I'm not coming down with something. Any idea what a cold could do for a potential pregnancy? Yesterday I had my blood taken to test and see what my progesterone levels are. Last time they were extremely high - like 140 or something, so hopefully they will be up this time too. Now, don't make me wait, I want to hear all about what you see on that u/s as soon as you get back! Yeah!!!!! Ultrasound day is here!!!!
Sorry I made you wait! I have one baby! All we saw was the sack. We will see a lot more on the next sono on Nov. 7. It was just too early to see anymore. But I was excited! Don't worry if you get sick. I know I had a terrible cold when I was pg. with my daughter. I worried for nothing. The baby always gets what it needs from your body. Just be careful what you take for it. But hopefully you are not sick. I did ask my ob about the flu shot and they said to wait until after 12 weeks. So I am getting my entire family immunized so I will reduce my risk. Do you feel any cramping yet?
Hi Toni! Seeing the sack must have been really neat! Wow! Its already the last day of the month, so November 7th is just a week away - yea!! I'm feeling better as of this weekend. Just a little crampy in the lower ab and a little on the right side. I'm going to start testing on Wednesday, so wish me luck!
Well, I tested for the first time this morning - bfn, so will keep on testing... How are you feeling? The 7th is coming up!!!!
Kelly this is day 12 for you? So most likely too early. I feel very tired. Had a nap today and last night was asleep at 9. It's like taking a sleeping pill. But that is about it symptom wise. I am getting nervous about Monday's sono. I made the mistake of reading other people's horror stories (no heartbeat etc). So I have freaked myself out. Are you testing in the morning or waiting a couple of days?
Hi Toni. I waited until this morning to re-test - BFN. I don't have high hopes for this month, because I started my pre-af spotting and my temp dropped yesterday. On to another month...
Oh Kelly, I am sorry to hear about the spotting. But a lot of people have that preg. too. Don't give up yet. Was this IUI #2? Will they change anything for the next round should you have to go there?
Hi Toni. Still only spotting today (so far). My temp dropped some more this morning, though. We will try one more round of IUI, then I just don't know what we will do. We were talking about things this morning, and decided to just be happy people no matter what. We are not nearly as upset about af this time as we were in the past. I could live with being the 'best babysitter ever' (my sis calls me). It is fun to spoil them rotten then return them to their parents! ;o)
Kelly, refresh my memory. What is your underlying problem and how many follicles did you have? Definitely do another IUI. Have you tried injectibles yet? That is what my dr was gonna do. She said better results with those.
Hi Toni. My problem is PCOS (cists on my ovaries). My doc saw some stuff in my hsg that suggested I may have some endo too (scaring in the tubes). My doc has not suggested injectibles. He said if this doesn't work in a couple more cycles he would recommend surgery. Since I'm not willing to do any surgery, I will be done ttc at that point. How are you feeling, girl! Just because I'm having bad luck does not mean I am not soooo happy for you!!!! :o)