Hello Ladies! I have been away for a bit. THe good news is. . . . . . I am pregnant! We found out on 8-31, 11dpiui, but 13 dp trigger. At that time the beta was a meager 28. Today when we went back, the beta was 101. That gives it a doubling time of every 2.7 days. Everything I read says that it needs to double in 2-3 days. Has anyone else had numbers like these, and carried to term? Do you think my prognosis is good? We are truly greatful that this worked, but I am afraid of possible outcomes. I am having symptoms, and hpts have been positive. Let me know what you think. RE's office seems to think that the outcome may not be so good, but regular OB says relax, and that they will see me at week 9. HELP PLEASE>