Buying baby things before getting pregnant??
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bam_emma - October 13

I came across this website while looking online at baby stuff, is it silly to start buying, we arnt currently trying but thats because we want everything right first like getting a house which we're in the process of or at least within the next year, we're already started buying things for a new house as it will be our first, i've been dying to buy the little tops saying i love daddy, as when we were younger we thought we were then and even though it wouldnt have been at best circumstances the other half still seemed a bit dissapointed, he's just as excited as me, and i thought when we start trying instead of getting his hopes up anytime i thought i was i'd keep it till i actually am and its been confirmed as i dont want to doubt him and it stress him, my present was to give him a bag with a baby top saying i love daddy to tell him i was pregnant, but will this be daft buying these type of things now even before we are pregnant? We want nothing more than to have children and to bring up a family we just want to do it at the right time, but is it wrong to buy little things now to build up just like we are with our house stuff??



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