Me and my husband are trying to have our first baby. I had my last period on July 26,2007 and was done July 31,2007. When would my best days for conceiving be? Thanks for your help.
Stacyann, I just had my LMP on July 26, 2007. I have PCOS and my doctor prescribed me Comid 100mg (2-5), metformin and prenatal vitamins. My doctor told me the best days for conceiving are days 10,12,14,16, but it depends on the #of days of your cycle. In 2004. I ovulated on cycle day 14 and became pregnant, so I am trying again. Try this website http://www.fertilityfriend.com and good luck.
Cycle Day 1 is the first day of you LMP.
Another website is http://www.ovulation-calendar.net
depending on your cycle, if your cycle is 28 days you should ovulate about day 12 - 16, if your cycle is 31 days you should ovulate about day 13 - 17 and if its longer it should be later, but as a general rule its usually 2 weeks before your next period. thats what my research showed lol. my aunty is a gynacolagist (cant spell it)