trying to conceive with pcos
1 Replies
Hello, I was just recently told i have pcos at age 23. My doctor gave me a progesterone pill to take for 10 days, she told me this would bring on a heavy period due to the fact that the last 3 months i have either been spotting or not having a period ( after having 5 in a row). She told me to keep trying to conceive and if in june still nothing we'd run test and go on chlomid. Does anyone know if there is a natural/ herbal way i could try before doing this? My husband and i really want to have a baby, but i don't know how i feel about taking theses pills. please if anyone knows of anything i could try before this please let me know
there is a progesterone cream but this probably is not as strong as the pills. most women take clomid to help them ovulate. a friend of mine took clomid and iui. she got pregnant after the first attempt with iui. the main problem was that she was not ovulating.-